"yeet" Prussia yeeted yeetingly

6 2 0

God damn it, I'm on hormone blockers now and I'm getting withdrawal symptoms, you have no idea how depressed I am right now.

God damn it, I'm on hormone blockers now and I'm getting withdrawal symptoms, you have no idea how depressed I am right now

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1. Do anime characters count? If so, Prussia from hetalia. DoN't QuEsTiOn Me.

I cOuLdN't Be BoThErEd FiNdInG a PiCtUrE, so here is a cat stuck in a jandal.

I cOuLdN't Be BoThErEd FiNdInG a PiCtUrE, so here is a cat stuck in a jandal

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2 why do you need to know? It starts with W by the way.

3 153 cms

4 5/6

5 brown or hazel, I'm not sure which because they change a lot.

6 I don't know.

7 spiders, I was in a room with a white tail today and it was right next to the door god damn it. Gahhfehcwrk.
It's dead now.

8 Tendrils of Tenebrae

9 passionfruit06

10 you are looking at it right now.


I only tagged ten people because I wasn't sure who I haven't tagged yet lol

Here is a link to a story by ChrisJebby, she asked me to share her book, so I decided to mention it here, if the link doesn't work, it is called "mystery of the olds", I read it and liked it, it would be cool if you read it as well :)

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