Chapter I

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Ronan fell asleep to the soft chirping of crickets, the faint swoosh of vehicles going by, and the occasional rusting of leaves whenever a breeze blew through the trees. Unlike most nights, he was asleep in a matter of minutes. He could rest in peace knowing Blue had found her mother, the demon was destroyed, and Gansey was still alive. 

Ronan dreamt. And he dreamt. And he dreamt. Of wings, coming to life from his tattoo, with which he flew. Of a forest filled with dread, which reminded him of Cabeswater. Of an antlered creature, white and pure, waiting in the wood. Of the orphan girl, droning on in rapid Latin. Of the dark, cloaking its night horrors in black. Of the moon and the stars, bright in the sky, the only things providing him comfort and reassurance from the dark. Of falling, into an endless abyss, reaching out for someone to save him, with no one to help. Engulfed in darkness, a single piece of who he once was remained, buried deep within his deadened soul and heart, the rest eaten away by the night. The moon and the stars couldn't save him this time.

Ronan jumped up in his bed, awoken by the nightmare. He glanced around the room. Chainsaw sat upon her perch, black feathers ruffled, asleep in her cage. Moonlight filtered through the sheer curtains on his window. Adam still lay on his side, sleeping peacefully, unaware of Ronan's night horrors.

It was nothing but a dream, Ronan tried to reassure himself, but when he caught a glance at the foot of his bed, he froze. A pale creature sat on the floor, staring up at him with its glassy black eyes. White fur. Pink nose. Careful hooves. Small antlers, not yet fully mature. Evenly spaced out dapples across its back. It was a fawn, and a beautiful one at that. Ronan thought that he must've taken it out of his dream. It reminded him of the white stag he saw in the wood that night on the porch with Adam.

Adam, that reminded him. Oh, the wonderful bastard Adam Parrish. Ronan, much too accustomed to bringing oddities from his dreams into reality, rotated back to face Adam under the covers. He was asleep, and he wanted to wake him, but at the same time he didn't. As if Adam sensed Ronan's stare, his eyes slowly opened, in between past and present.


"Shh." Ronan placed his palm on Adam's cheek.

"Another nightmare?" he whispered.

"Shit, how'd you know?"

"I know you pretty well, Lynch, which means you'll talk when you're ready." Adam smiled, "Whatever it was, it's not real. You don't have to worry."

Adam considered his next words very carefully, "I could help you forget it."  

His eyes radiated with lust. His body radiated with lust. His entire being shed want and longing. Ronan could practically feel it, or perhaps he was feeling something else.

Adam was the one who dove in this time. Hands raked through hair. Tongue found mouth. Shirts were ripped off. It was a mess. An utterly perfect mess in Ronan's mind.

When Adam kissed him, it was greater than any other feeling in the world, unlike any he had ever gotten. No one could make him feel this way.

Only you, he thought.

Adam traced the intricate tattoo on Ronan's back next–the ravens, all the hooks, thorns, and curves, the tree branches–his fingers traveling gently down. 


Down his spine, until they hit the edge, and carefully slipped under his shorts. Ronan arched his back in pleasure, and let out an accidental moan.

"Did I just make Ronan Lynch moan?"

Ronan growled.

"Apparently I can make him sound like a bear too."

"F-fuck Parrish." He let out in between moans.

Adam grinned.

"Whatever your plan is, it's helping."

Adam paused pleasuring Ronan for a moment to kiss him, hard and deep. Passionate.

Ronan flipped around so that his chest was facing Adam, and took to completely ridding himself of his boxers.

Adam followed by taking his off.


Adam awoke to bright strobes of sunlight dancing across his face to form a pattern. A carefully orchestrated chorus of bird song carried through the now open window, echoing off the treetops: nightingales, sparrows, and other songbirds, the occasional caw of a crow. Ronan rose out bed slowly, awoken by the song too, and squinted through the light, eyes still heavy with sleep. The white fawn lay in the same place as before, gazing up at Ronan. It's eyes, little black spheres embellished with stars, reflected the universe.

Ronan, finally awake, sat up groggily in bed.


Typical Ronan Lynch.

"And a good morning to you too, Ronan." Adam smirked.

"I forgot about the fawn."

"You forget about a lot of things lately."

"What's that supposed to mean?"



Adam didn't say anything. He kept on smiling.

"Oh, I see how it is."

Ronan seemed to understand the hint, and grabbed a hold of Adam, pulling him gently towards him.

Adam found himself sitting in Ronan's lap, chest to chest, his legs wrapped around the other boy's torso. Ronan felt incredibly warm, which made Adam wonder how much of the heat actually came from the sunlight filtering through the sheer window curtains, and how much of it actually came from Ronan's body. Adam linked his arms around Ronan's neck and brought his face down slightly so that their foreheads touched.

"About last night-" Ronan began.

At this, Adam arched a single eyebrow.

"-my dream."

Oh, his dream.

"It didn't seem like just a dream."

"Ronan, with you it's never just a dream."

"No, this time was different."


"There was a forest."

Adam froze.

Cabeswater? Cabeswater was coming back?

"Is it...?"

"I don't know," Ronan looked caught between two worlds, "might be."

His stone cold eyes revealed everything about him if one took the care to look close enough, and Adam happened to be the expert at reading this certain Lynch brother.

"Do you think we'll ever be able to bring it back?"

"I don't know, Adam. Hell, I hope so, we might as well try."

A dangerous grin broke his lips. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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