Love, Alex

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The Pals were at Cinemark watching Love, Simon. During the whole movie Denis kept poking fun at Alex.

"Likman, I know why you relate to this movie." Denis smirked.

Beside him Corl choked and sputtered on his drink, causing a few upset faces and shushes. Next to him, Sub facepalmed.

"Denis, you try to kiss us in almost every video we do," Alex whispered back.

Denis looked down, trying to comeback, "Well, um, only as friends," he said while wrapping an arm around Corl's shoulder, "not you," he pushed Sub away.

Next to Alex, Sketch silenced them, "Denis, we can't take you anywhere."

"I know where Likman wants to take Sketch." Denis nudged Alex.

In response, Corl released a belly laugh, Sub sprayed out his drink onto the group in front of them, Elijah shook his head at Denis in disgust, and Alex blushed. However; security pushed them out. Sketch glared at Denis while they crammed into the car. During the drive Sketch fell asleep on Alex's lap.

Denis looked at the rear-view mirror, "Daw," he said when he saw Elijah cuddling Alex.

"Shush," Alex motioned, "you'll wake him up."

That only made the situation worst because Corl and Sub joined in with Denis in their "Aw!"

"Stop that!"

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