Chapter Two

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Opening my eyes, i see my Dad sitting at the dining room table, smiling yet again. I wonder if he's got a date or a match yet. The one thing i notice is that im still on the lounge, still in my hoodie and still wondering why im here. I thought that maybe yesterday was a dream but i guess i was wrong. Why was i crying? I mean dont get me wrong, i cry about a lot of things. I get it im a cry baby but seriously i had no reason to cry. The last time i was kissed someone was the night before i told Parker i was leaving, and that someone was Parker


Another thing i noticed was i have this giant pounding headache from thinking to much about the smallest thing ever, everyone is gonna get kissed someday or another so i dont know why im overreaching so much. I don't know how but my dad knows about my love life, social status, what i do and-

"Good morning sunshine" my dad says cheerily

"Hi dad?"

"You alright? " he asked

"Yeah just got a headache" i tell him with a small smile before heading upstairs to the bathroom. I open the medicine cabinet and try to find the ibuprofen. I finally find it and take two tablets out of the small plastic pill container

The pills side down my throat with a glass of water and a sudden wash of relief goes over me, i walk into my room and look around smiling

My room has dusty pink walls with two main windows, my bed in smack bang in the middle of the two window and two bedside tables sit on each side of the bed, to the left of my room in a walk in robe and my own bathroom. Normal bathroom with a shower, sink, toilet, although it don't have bath which is abit depressing

To the right of my room there's a large timber desk with stacked books ive red, textbooks, my laptop and stationary. Next to my desk is a 55inch TV hung on the wall

I get changed into dark blue high waisted shorts and a black long sleeved tee-shirt, with a grey beanie. Dont know why but i have always tucked my shirt into pants, its just always been a thing for me to do. I grab my old small navy green bag, phone, wallet, keys and put them all in my bag, i get my hoodie from my bed and put it over my arm along with my bag. Running down stairs and into the kitchen i grab an apple and my lunch off the bench and go into the dining room where my dad is still seated

"Are you sure you should be going to school? "

"Dad ill be fine i just need to take it slow" i usure him

"Oh and there's a car waiting outside for you, the guy said when your ready" he said smiling then looks back at his phone

Okay, now im curious

I walk out the door and closed it behind me before seeing the stupid face that made me cry and feel sick. Noah. He's leaning against a red mustang on his phone, typical. He looks up at me and smiles

"Morning sleeping beauty" he says

"You just called me a Disney princess" i say unwary of what i said

"Indeed your highness" he says bowing "I need to make you a deal you cant refuse princess"

"And what would that be"

"Well you probably already know about the bet between me and Ben right?"

"Yes, i over heard you and 'Ben' in the cafeteria yesterday, and by the way there is no way im getting into bed with anyone" i say making it clear that he is not getting into a bed unclothed with me

"Okay well, i want to take you out friday night, to get your trust, know more about you and have a good time" he wants to take me out? is this some sick joke?

"Take me out" i repeat and he nods "On a date?" he nods again and I sigh shaking my head "Im the only girl that isn't falling at your knee's, and you want to take me out"

"Dont worry about it, its just to get to know you now are you gonna get in or what"

"In danger of being kidnapped, ill skip" i say walking towards the school. Beside why get a car drive that would only last five minutes when you can walk and enjoy the fresh air

"Okay whatever, I guess ill just have to give all these books my mom gave me to charity" he says smirking, holding a reusable bag full of practically brand new books

"Why would you want to do that!" I yelp and he crooks an eyebrow. I straighten my composture and clear my throat "I mean why would you want to do that?"

"Oh I don't know, I don't want them" he says amused of my sudden outburst

"Well I guess I could take them..." I trail off taking to bag off him slowly and putting it in my bag

"Well if you want to keep the books then you have to agree on -"

"You taking me out, on a date" i ask finishing his sentence smirking

He chocks "I-its not a date, its me taking you to dinner" he mumbles something like that i and giggle seeing his uncomfortableness, he clears his throat and stands up straight "Its not a date" he says sternly and i salute him, stopping my foot

"Yes sir"

"Shall we go?'

"Yes sir"

"Can you stop saying that"

"No sir"

"Fine be that way" he tells me then picks me up and throws me over his shoulder

"Hey put me down this isn't fair, put me down!" i scream slamming my fists against Noah's back, he doesn't retaliate in any other way then seating me in the front passenger side and closing the door, he then walks over to the drivers side and gets in closing his door "You know this counts as some sort of kidnapping right"

He nods but doesn't say a word, all he does is starts the ignition and drives towards the school. The car ride was peaceful in someway, it was a comfortable silence that filled the car.

Why was it only now that Noah is involved with my life? Why not years ago when i was bullied in primary school? I dont know what it is about him but he just makes me smile like no other person would be able to...

We arrive at school in less then five minutes and get out of the car. All you could hear were whispers, some about me, some about Noah, most about the both of us. Shit, i forgot to put my hoodie on... I quickly grab it out of the front seat and slip it on before anybody notice. I look over to Noah who has just slide his sunglasses on his face and is now either staring at me or some girl behind me

"Why did you put it back on"

"Because i dont like people staring at me when i dont have it on" i mumble

"But you look pretty without it" i freeze for the second time today and again stare at him in disbelief, for a split second he realised what he said and blush for the second time today and then runs a hands through his hair trying to play it cool

"W-what did you just-" he cuts me off

"Um i got to go but ill see you tomorrow night" he says before quickly running to his friends

He called me pretty, i cant help but think there is some catch to this that leads me to sleeping with him...

The girl in the Hoodie *Slowly Editing*Where stories live. Discover now