𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏

Start from the beginning

"He'll be fine, Katherine," Fry assured the small girl seeing her glum expression. She snapped her head over to the boy, stopping what she was doing for a second before pressing her lips into a thin line and slowly placing the plates on the counter for Frypan to put the food onto.

"I don't know. It just scares me. He tries to be brave even when he might get hurt trying and I hate it, of course, I want to get outta here, but I'd rather leave with Minho." She shook her head slowly. Frypan nodded in understanding. He patted her shoulder lightly before giving her a small reassuring smile.

Gladers piled in, eager for food. Newt came in as well and chatted with the girl as gladers grabbed their food, saying thank you, like every other day. It was the same routine in the Glade every single day, and yes it was boring, but it was essential. Of course, there were some days where it was different, especially if Minho and Katherine had their days off. But other than that, it was the same.

"Remember the rules, with the greenie. I know you always want to answer all their questions, but it's better to answer questions over time." Newt gave a look at the brunette. She responded with a roll of her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady." Newt scolded teasingly.

Katherine scoffed. "Sorry, mom. And yes, I remember the rules." She nudged Newt with her shoulder. The blonde's chuckle filled the air as Katherine suppressed a smile. Frypan went off to find his friends as Newt and Katherine stayed in the kitchen, Newt leaning against the counter as Katherine supported her weight on her elbows next to the Brit. They talked for a bit until Newt had to get back to his own job.

The day dragged on, and Katherine couldn't wait for the new greenie. She wanted to get out and walk around, but she could only do that if the greenie were here to give the tour to. The girl hummed as she and Frypan washed dishes which then they would start to get lunch ready.

Finally, after everyone was finished lunch and Frypan and Katherine had started the dishes, the loud alarm for the box rung through the air. Katherine and Frypan took off toward the box along with everyone else. They stood around the box, waiting for the red light to stop flashing.

When it finally did, the large cement doors opened, moving to the side and laying on the ground beside the box. Gally opened the rusty metal doors as everyone peered over the edge, careful not to fall in. Gally jumped down inside and Katherine could see a boy with brown hair, he had moles dotting his face and he was wearing a blue shirt, his hair flattened out with sweat dripping from the tips.

His arm was up shielding his eyes from the harsh sun. He cowered in the corner as Gally crouched down to his level. "Day one, greenie. Rise and shine." The blonde hauled the greenie up and the brunette boy landed on his stomach, the dirt sticking his damp shirt.

Gladers all grinned in amusement at his panicked ness and all bet what his job would be. Katherine rolled her eyes. They did that with every greenie laughing at how scared they looked. "Oh, don't be so mean." Katherine shook her head. The greenie locked eyes with the girl once she said those five words.

He looked at the girl weirdly before looking around at the circle of boys, his eyebrows strung together as he panted heavily. After looking through the whole circle of boys he looked back at Katherine looking as confused as ever it actually gave the girl a headache with how much thinking this boy looked like he was doing.

He stood up and pushed through the crowd of boys and ran away from the group. They all cheered as the greenie gave them a good laugh. "Ooooh! We got a runner!" Someone yelled. He seemed to be running extremely fast and Katherine thought of how he would make a good runner until he tripped over his own feet and face planted.

The boys roared with laughter as Katherine rolled her eyes and walked towards the boy. He seemed to be just noticing the large gray walls surrounding him. His mouth hung open, his brows still scrunched together as he took in his surroundings.

"Close your mouth you'll catch flies." Katherine teased as she walked up to the boy. He seemed about Minho's height. The boy snapped his head over to the girl and took a few steps back from her, startled.

A couple of boys came by and took the boy, presumably to the slammer for running towards the doors. The boy looked back at Katherine who looked sadly at him before walking away to Frypan.

Alby brought the green bean to Katherine, knowing she was wanting to give the tour. She smiled seeing the brunette boy once again. Still confused, but not as scared. "Hey, green bean." She greeted. "Ably." She nodded.

"This Katherine. She's the only girl in the Glade. She'll be giving you the tour." He nodded with a small smile. The greenie looked at her with a small nod before around the Glade again. "He's all yours." Ably nodded and walked away to go do whatever he did around the Glade.

"You remember your name?" She asked politely. The boy shook his head. Something about him felt familiar and she knew he felt the same with the way he seemed to look at her. Katherine pursed her lips with a nod. "Quiet are you? S'ok, I was too." She grinned, wiping her hands dry from washing dishes.

"Nah, you had a bloody attitude." Newt came by with a teasing grin. Katherine rolled her eyes with a grin of her own.

"Oh, shut up." Newt looked at the brunette boy and grinned wider. "Green bean, this is Newt. He's second in command whenever Ably ain't around." Katherine introduced. Newt placed his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, well Ably's always around which is a good thing." Newt nodded, squinting from the sun. "You know, for a second there I thought you had the chops to be a runner until you face-planted." Newt and Katherine chuckled.

"Wait, a 'runner'?" The greenie asked confused. Katherine could tell he was going to ask a lot of questions.

"Hey, uh, Newt. Could you go find Chuck? He'll be jumping with joy to meet the new greenie." Katherine looked up at Newt, a small smile on her face. Newt nodded and limped away to go find Chuck. "Alright, come one. Time to get this show on the road." Katherine grinned before spinning on her heel, her long brown hair flipping behind her.

The greenie followed the girl closely as she showed him where they slept, ate, cooked, grew their food and all other stuff, trying not to answer as many questions. She was right, the green bean asked a lot of questions.

Katherine explained the box and how it provides the gladers with whatever they need along with a new green bean. "'the box'?" He questioned. She nodded.

"Yup. They send our supplies up in there and then the rest is up to us. We build all our buildings and beds. The only reason I get a room to myself is that I'm the only girl surrounded by hormonal boys who've never met a girl that they can remember." She nodded her hands on her hips.

The boy opened his mouth to ask another question, but Katherine stuck her finger in his face, shushing him. She motioned to follow her before turning on her heel and walking towards the lookout. The green bean stood there for a second watching her retreating figure before walking after her.


Word count: 1878


I smell a friendship ;) Anyways. Hope enjoyed this chapter :))

Until next time,

Xoxo, Gossip Girl ;)

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