Before- Chapter 5

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Alex landed roughly, Theundruk too distracted hissing annoyance in the back of her mind to help her the way she normally did. It felt like pure energy was running through her veins, growing hotter and pulsating as Alex covered her face with her hand, smothering the sobs emitting from her.

|| Stop crying. What did I say about wasting your emotions ||

"I'm not."

|| Remember what I taught you. Do something with this, you will feel better ||

Alex managed to scoff, but Theundruk was right, in a way. The energy was beginning to boil inside her, painful and needing to be unleashed. She had told herself that she wouldn't let Theundruk control her again, a promise that seemed insignificant compared to everything else that had happened tonight.

|| That is it ||

Alex shut her eyes, and when she opened them, she was in her dimension. It was dark and lonely, nothing around except little stone slabs that stretched for miles, each one leading to a different destination, any destination. Using Theundruk had allowed her to skip this part of teleporting, for she didn't need to come here, it was just easier for her to visualise and navigate than straight up thinking, working like the buttons in the Star Trek spaceships, where they pressed anything and whatever they wanted would happen. It was all about control, that was why she snapped her fingers and that was why she had a realm to help her envision her teleporting.

Theundruk had helped her lose control.

Crouching, Alex let her fingers splay across one of the stones. Beneath it, as she imagined the lilac carpet of her room at the Avengers compound, the cold stone turned softer and thinner, letting her fingers dig straight into it. Her entire room was now surrounding her, though in reality, she was not there.

|| Breathe ||

And as Alex inhaled, the room began to fracture. The carpet was thick enough that the cracks couldn't be seen, but they soon appeared up the walls and across the ceiling, growing in number and connecting, until there was an entire web of them. Parts of the wall were teleported away next, Alex's mind grabbing random chunks and throwing them with all her might somewhere far, far away.

She was seven years old again, and her father was dragging her roughly out of the park. His fingers dug too deep in the bruises he'd previously made and Alex was seven, she had just turned seven and she began to scream, a noise that many more would join in with as she ripped through the land they were standing on as easily as if it were paper and teleported it all into the sea.

She was fourteen years old again, and she was watching as the only person who could help her flew towards a wormhole in the sky. It was a sacrifice, and Alex knew nothing about heroes, she didn't knew this was what was expected and she couldn't let it happen, and she began to scream, reaching desperately for this mans mind. He disappeared from sight and Alex caught him as easily as the hook caught the fish, teleporting herself to him and then them both to ground.

She was fifteen years old again, and someone was yelling at her but she couldn't remember why or who. All she knew was that it was too much, she was uncontrollable and insatiable, wanting everything. The world was fracturing and while it was scary, this power she had, there was a part of her craving more. Alex wanted chaos, she wanted to break people, to have their bodies and their souls and their minds—

"No!" She yelled, "Stop it."

|| Alex ||

"I don't want this! This is you, you make me feel this way. Stop it! I hate you, I hate you."

|| I am not the one you really want to say that too ||

"Yes, you are. I hate you, Theundruk, I hate you! Get out!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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