I woke up with a jolt, sitting up in my bed. Sweat coated my body completely, I run a hand through my hair as I look over to my sleeping fiancée, and of course our black cat, Tux, sleeping in a
ball at her head, I instantly relax.
I shoot a look at the digital clock, 6:07. I sigh. My alarm would have gone off in three minutes, I yawn.
I get dressed for my day, walking down the stairs as I tighten my belt around my skirt, tightening it as much as possible around my plump body.
I hear a thud come from upstairs, followed by the yelp of Tux. I chuckled at that.
I put some bacon on the George Forman™️ grill, as I put away clean dishes from the dishwasher.
"Good morning" I hear the soft voice of a beautiful lady coming from behind me, her arms slither around my waist as she lays her head on my shoulder. Cute.
"How did you sleep Shi?" She mumbled into my neck.
"Could've been better, but it was decent enough." I respond.
The bacon finished cooking. I went to put it on a plate and dab off all the excess grease, eating a few pieces then handing the rest to Yeuun*, giving her a kiss on the cheek as a black fluff ball rubs against my leg.
"We need to get some stuff from the vet store soon," I mention "Tux needs more food and we need to get him some bath supplies"
"I suppose" she droned on "but we could have some fun~"
"No" I state flatly
I send an are you serious? Look, "I have to go to the store, would you care to join, ma chèrie?" I whisper, grabbing my bag and keys, assuming she would follow behind. I walked to the motorcycle and hopped on, my tall Asian lover gets on behind me. I rev the engine and start the ride.

* pronounced Yen

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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