Believing To Achieving

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How is everyone?
Well I hope everything is great. In another case of things being bad. I hope I can help make it better. You just have to believe in yourself. Believe in others as well. You are not alone. God gave me a purpose. To serve others anyway I can. If you feel the need to go out and do something. You doggon do it. Yessir. Following what the heart says. It may feel impossible. Like it's just a mirrored dream that is so far away that feels as if you cannot reach it. As our parents tells us, " The Sky Is Has no limits.

Believing to Achieving

Dreams of being a Doctor or a Rocket Man soar the night sky

Something more down to earth, Maybe a train conductor

Maybe a treasure Hunter looking for booty to blunder

As a child I looked at the river seen my reflection, I started to wonder

Yes I can see it, a jet pilot

These are dreams you uttered

As a child you muttered

As an adult, an usher

Singing songs of suggestions

A bunch o mumble jumbo

You doubt and questioned

I tell you second guessing yourself

It is like disease or a lethal injection

Things aren't going

Not in the order of motion

Not the path you have chosen

But never fear
Encouragement is here

Can you hear?

Underneath doubt, hope is still alive

It's within you

Not there, or rather disguised

Doubt and Hope

An eye for an eye

You have believed

Now you are so far in life

Don't even look back

You strived

You got back the that you were deprived from

You have finally achieved all those things

Became a light Novel writer for children

Made yourself a Rocket Man

A career that took you on a Rocket Ride Man

A day job as a Train driver

Moving like a speeding bullet

Everyone knows your name

From there, the air Force you have claimed your spot as a Jet Pilot

Fighting for the country

Everyone knows your name

A Believer to Dreamer

Who has been an Achiever

Sir Favon Trenton was an Alias name.

Such a clever, endeavor

Roscoe M. Terry V was his real name.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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A Believer Of Oneself Is A Dreamer Overall An AchieverWhere stories live. Discover now