Amusement park(fluff)

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"You want vanilla or strawberry?" Baekhyun asks me before we buy ice cream.

"hmm.. I want strawberry! but you don't have to pay for me Baek.." I said with guilt in my voice.

"Said it a million times, I WANT to pay.. deal with it". He smiles and poked my nose before turning around and order our ice cream. 

Baekhyun is one of the sweetest people in my life. I would consider him my best friend, we've been friends for at least 7 years now and we're still as close as we were when we first met. We have the same hobbies, dancing, singing(he can actually sing and I suck) and playing games, we always go to his place because my parents always complains about us being too loud with our gaming. 

"enjoyable?" he asks while eating. I look at him and I just thought how beautiful he looks. Brown soft looking hair, his brown eyes and his beautiful clear skin. he's wearing a white t-shirt and long tight black jeans that really compliments his body shape.

I smile at him.

"Yeah it's good".

"Ah come on Baekhyuuuun". Stupid pushed my arm so I ended up getting ice cream in my face.

He's just sitting there laughing.

"You have something in your face" he pointed at his face.

"Oh you little-" He tucked in my shirt, now my face is way too close to his and I can feel my cheeks burning. 

"Leeet me help you get rid of it" he said. He press our foreheads together and licks the ice cream off my nose. Did I mention my cheeks burning? now my heart is beating like crazy. 

"What.. what are you doing?" I ask him. 

He gives me a soft smile.

"What? You don't like this?" he asks and caress my cheek. 

"I didn't say that". 

I don't really know what to do, but I just smile back.

"Wanna hear something?". 

It's like I've lost my voice so I just nod.

He turns his head and whispers into my ear 

"I like you Y/N". 

I gulped.

"uhhmm.. I.. I like you too Baekhyun..".

"I mean.. as in.."

"I'm in love with you Y/N and I have been for so long now". 

He gives me a small kiss on the cheek. It's like I'm frozen in place. I don't know what to say or do. "I'm in love with you".  

My best friend for at least 7 years just told me he's in love with me, what am I suppose to do? I don't know! I have never had an actual boyfriend, I mean I've kissed some guys and been a little touchy with some guys, but I've never been in an actual relationship before.

His small chuckles shakes me out of my thoughts and gets me back into reality. 

"Man.. You even understand how hard it was for me when I watched that dude kiss you?".

His hand finds mine and intertwine our fingers. His hand feels so warm and soft.

"What?". I feel like a total idiot, but again I don't know what to do! I kind of just.. Enjoy him touching me and kissing my cheek.

"I was afraid of telling you because.. We've been friends for so long and I didn't want to lose you, and.. it would be awkward every time we hung out if you said no.. Y/N are you listening?".

"uuhh ye-yes.. yes I.. I am.. Baekhyun I'm.. I just don't know what to say I-" before I can finish whatever the heck I was trying to say, he presses his lips softly against mine. I close my eyes and kisses back. I can feel a smile forming on his lips. I smile against them and my other hand that isn't holding his finds his soft brown hair.

When he pulls away I just pout, because I already miss his lips on mine.

"Judging by your reaction and that you kissed back.. Would you want to maybe.. go on a date? I mean maybe see a movie or go out for dinner?" he asks.

I chuckle.

"Yeah I'd love that Baekhyunee". 

"Baekhyunee? hhmm I like that" he gives me a small peck on the lips and hugs me after.

He then whispers into my ear.

"I love you Y/N" 

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