Chapter 1

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A/N OK so this is my first Tom story so no hate for it. Can I please have Comments and Votes, and also if you want a chapter dedicated to you then just leave a message after every chapter. All of you're messages will be read and I will reply to them if possible and I am open to idea's.this chapter is dedicated to theperfectdaley. hope you like it !!!

*Chris' point of view*

There she was, walking through the hall way with her 5 best friends. I knew she didn't like me she liked Tom and I could tell. No one else knew that she liked Tom but I did, we used to be best friends but my mum made me switch schools so we grew apart.

I then happened to go to the same high school as her and I was still in love. She has had a crush on Tom since primary school, back when we were friends, but ever since I came back I haven't had the guts to talk to her because she is so pretty and she wouldn't want to talk to me after I let us grow apart.

I still loved her, I loved her then and I love her now, she is perfect, and she want's Tom.

Tom doesn't even notice her, he is too busy with Tonia and Pete and Jack to notice anyone but himself. He thinks he is the best person in the world and he is probably right.

*Half an hour later*

The bell rang for lunch and I slowly packed up my things and began to leave the room when I heard her angelic voice ringing through my ears 'Chris?' she asked, like she didn't know it was me, but I went along anyway 'Oh hi Becca, I didn't know you took this class.' I said acting surprised, of course I knew she did because I watched her every lesson, I know that might sound creepy but I loved the way that her brown hair flowed half way down her back, her blue eyes glistened in the light and all of her other features.

Her cute dimples she gets when she smiles, her laugh, her thin body that is curved in all of the right places, I just loved everything about her, I would do anything for her, but she wasn't mine.

'What are you doing here I thought you moved to Manchester?' she asked, well she obviously hadn't seen me in school then. 'No I moved back, so how are you I haven't seen you in like forever, you made the cheerleading team..right?' she smiled and nodded.

'So how are you doing, what did you do at you're other school was it fun there?' we started walking towards the door and in to the corridoor, 'Yeah it was good, I didn't have many friends, but I have started diving, well actually I am going to see if I can Qualify for the Olympics this time.' I explained and she seemed interested.

'I think you should... we need to catch up, why don't you sit with me and maybe come to my house after school?' she asked and I nodded, she was right we did have some catching up to do, so that's what we were going to do, and if it meant spending time with my favorite girl then I was up for it.

*Tom's point of view*

I saw her with him. I don't know what his name is or what he thinks he is doing but he is with her and its making me jealous, it was a weird feeling, sort of annoying, but I still felt it.

After a few moments I couldn't take it anymore so I went over to the table they were and sat down next to Becca, I remember talking to her once when she was cheerleading at the school football game and I was in the audience, ever since then I have felt sparks, whenever I see her or the sound of her voice.

'Hi Becca.' I said sitting next to her, completely ignoring the stranger next to her. When I spoke to her I noticed her move around in her seat but answer quickly 'Hi Tom this is errrm Chris- Chris Mears he... used to go to my school we were good friends' she said shuffling around nervously.

I don't see why she was nervous, I mean I know I am super hot and everything but she has no need to be nervous around me. To think about it I am nervous around her I just don't show it, unless she likes me.... but that would never happen,    right?

*Becca's point of view*

He was sat there in front of me, talking to me, the person I loved, the one I wanted to be with, but the one who didn't know that I wanted to be with him. 

Tom came over and sat down on the chair next to mine and when he said 'Hi Becca' in his heart melting voice, the butterflies in my stomach were flying every where. I was surprised 1)that the fluttery bugs didn't start flying out of my mouth and 2) that Tom Daley, Olympic diver, Most popular kid in school, was sat with me.

A/N OK so again this is my first story and I am not really that good at writing but I was bored so hey. and also I would like to dedicate this to my new found friend theperfectdaley for encouraging me to write this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2012 ⏰

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