Part 3: City life

Start from the beginning

"As I said," I commented, using the force to pull one of the men towards me, Impaling him on my sword, "You need more men." I finished, kicking the corpse off of my blade and ducking under a blaster bolt.

"Shit!" one shouted. "He's a jedi!"

"Wrong," I said, "And I'm no pawn of Dooku either." I tore one's blaster from his hand and ducked behind the last man as the one who still had his weapon fired again, hitting his friend. I reached out with the force again, taking the man in a telekinetic grip around his neck. I snapped it quickly and turned to the last man and threw him against the wall and held him at sword-point. "Let me make this clear." I said, sheathing my sword. "You're going to go back to whatever hole you crawled out of." I said, throwing him to the ground. "and then you'll tell your friends not to mess with me." I added. The Chretien scurried away, and I sighed, this wasn't set up to buy or sell anything. I pulled up the list of locations and decided to ignore the rest of them. I pulled out a holodisk and activated it. A golden protocol droid answered the hail, and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, splendid, Mistress Padme has been captured by Zero the Hutt and requires a rescue." He said, I sighed again and called my ship to retrieve me.

"Alright, I'll drop in, but we might want a few clones, in case this goes wrong." I grumbled, "I'll be waiting at Zero's hideout, don't keep me waiting. I still need to find that necklace of hers." I added, jumping onto my ship and closing the ramp with the force before disconnecting the communication and moving to the cockpit.

"Sarcastic Query: Have you had a productive day master?" HK asked, I ignored him and took the pilot's seat.

"No, and our client has gotten herself captured by a Hutt that, thankfully, is on-planet," I said wearily. "I'll need more information before I keep looking," I said, bluntly. "The coordinates are garbage," I added.

"Disappointed statement: But it would have been so satisfying to watch you scour a planet-wide city to find a small trinket that would fit in any meatbag's hand or appendage."

"And that is exactly why I want to see if our senator can narrow down our wild bantha chase." I shot back, pulling The Revenant into a sharp dive and leveling out. I calmly ducked into a maze of turns, reaching our destination in fair enough time. Sure enough, there was a Naboo cruiser waiting at one of the landing pads. I landed on another pad nearby, leaving enough space for a Gunship to land next to my own. I stood up and motioned for HK to follow. "Come on, this is as close as you're going to get to me letting you tag along for a mission for a long while." I said, "I'm sure Revan would be more than happy to send you out on your own." I walked out of The Revenant, just as a republic gunship touched down nearby and I motioned for HK to hold his fire. Several security clones stepped out of the transport and I moved followed quietly behind them, idly spinning one of my Blaster pistols around my finger.

"Door's locked." A cloned grumbled, just before I tore down the barrier with the force and threw it into the hallway behind it, crushing a few battle droids. I walked down the hallway, firing the blaster into a droid who was still somewhat operable as I passed.

"Looks like Zero has a friend or two we'd want to meet," I remarked, just as I reached a stairway and a blaster bolt caused me to back up. I shook my head, and ignited my lightsaber, taking a step forward, batting the blaster fire back to the droids who had fired them.

"Look!" the leader of three droids, who were coming down an adjacent hallway, called when I passed their sightline. "A Jedi!" the buckets of bolts added, just before I squeezed off a trio of shots from my blaster, the 'heads' of the droids were ripped from their main bodies and they crumpled motionless to the floor. I let out a sigh and returned the lightsaber to my belt, just as we reached the main entrance, guarded by a few droids. I held up my hand and turned to the clones behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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