Video Games

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"HAHA BIATCH TAKE MY SHITUE AND SHOVE IT UP YO-" EJ removes Timothy's headset.

"Did you forget you are supposed to help we with my project?"

"Well I didn't exactly forget, persay, I was kind of hoping you'd forget so i could stay home and slay zombies." EJ glared and flicked Timothy's exposed forehead. "Um OW!?"

"Get over yourself and help me, I don't wanna repeat the 10th grade." She drags Timothy to the floor and dumps out her backpack. "Okay so my project is on Greek sculpture. My job is to paint the portrait of a sculptured he- what the hell man??!" EJ snatches a DS out of Timothy's hand.

"Bro. Not cool. Give it back."

"Well your in a bad way cuz I'm not giving it back." EJ shrugged and laid out the art supplies.

"I'm gonna tell my grandma."

"What are you five? Your grandma ain't gonna do anything....that is unless you want her to know you bought some kinky ass chokers and harnesses...."

"Hey you can't do that! And don't make fun of me okay....."

"It's okay we all have kinks....some more sensual then others." EJ side-eyes Timothy.

"Well maybe I wanted to do a BTS cosplay?? Huh maybe I want to look as Dom Daddy as Taehyung or Jimin!?" Timothy wiped a fake tear away.

"What's next? Gonna have occasional nip slips and cut your hair with a pair of kitchen scissors?" EJ laughs at her own references. Timothy pouted and brushed her short hair with her fingers. After giving in for several minutes to do the project, Timothy came up with a brilliant idea.

"Hey you know that pic you sent me?" Timothy smirked and EJ's face drained of color. "I was just thinking about how cool it would be for all of my 4K followers to see it."

"Bitch no."

"Ha yesss..."

"Okay better idea!" EJ chucked a controller at Timothy's head and ran out of her room, closing it.

"Aw my Damn zombie hoes killed me."

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