Chapter 8: Desperation

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Desperation. Something that every species is very familiar with. The feeling that takes its hold of you when your desires and plans aren't turning out like you wanted. The feeling of wanting to do absolutely anything to get what you want. All rationality and common sense is thrown away at this point and the being becomes irrational. Crazy. Almost...insane.

Insane. Yes. That's what he'd become. It's all his fault though. It's all Akira's fault. All because of his stupid face. His pathetic personality that made him too empathetic. The way that he called out his name. The way that he looked at him with that look. That cheerful expression on his clueless face. It was all too... adorable? No. Pitiful. Like a kitten that can't look after itself. Or a chick that fell out of its nest. He stood there infront of his chick, who lay unconcious on the ground. He was there. Ryo could've done anything to his dear Akira in this state. Anything that he desired.

When Akira regained his conciousness, he found himself to be tied to a lamp post. The rope that bound him was tight and painfully dug into his skin. He slowly looked up to see Ryo stood before him, that psychotic grin still upon his face.
"Ah! You've finally awoken my dear, you're very lucky that I love you so much to not do anything destructive to you" There it was, that glare that he loved. He felt his skin crawl as Akira looked at him with those dark eyes that were the gorgeous colour of death. Ryo's heart pounded in his chest, the different sensations and thoughts making him lose his mind.
"You know, my dear, whilst I have you restrained I can do upon you anything that I may desire. I could kill you where you sit, make it painful or painless or I could fuck you until you're in so much pain that everything becomes numb~"
Akira spat at the vile creature
"I won't let you touch a single fucking hair on my head, let alone shove your dick inside of me. Touch me and I will kill you, even if I die in the process. And I will make sure that you never come back" he pulled against the rope that restrained him, trying to break out of it but he couldn't.
That psychotic grin grew as the man known as Ryo watched his beloved struggle.

Uh,, authors note? So uh,, I'm actually really proud of this so far. I'm really happy with the dark plot I went for instead of writing things so the pair live happily ever after in a new world. I'd really love if you could share this or vote or comment or whatever to let me know that you're enjoying it too. Thanks <3

Rebirth [Akira Fudo x Ryo Asuka]  (Devilman Crybaby)Where stories live. Discover now