Chapter 1

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(Here We go.......

Nia:" hey Girlies😘

Paige:"Hi Nia😍😍

Sasha:"Hi Nia!


Nia:"So are you girls going to Seth's Party?

Paige:" Party?

Nia:"Um yeah, Our Football team is going to the state championship and to show their appreciation to us for supporting them they have decided to throw a party🤗🤗

Bayley:"Hi dudes🤙

Alexa:"Ugh bayley look we're not in high school anymore ok, it's time to grow up!😂😂😂😂


Brie:"So um...about this party is Randy gonna be there?

Nia:"Well yeah I mean He is a big reason why they're going to the State championships!

Sasha:" This will be awkward guys!

Becky:"Yeah and besides I don't want to see dean at all!

Carmella:"Hi ladies😍😍😍 You're looking Fabulous as always!

Paige:"Hi mella😍😍😍😍

Charlotte:"You guys are not gonna believe what just happened,


Liv:" Drew Asked her out!

Charlotte:"Way to ruin the surprise liv🙄

Liv:"Oopsie 😋

Nia:"So we are all going right?

Brie:"Um I don't know about that!

Paige:"Yeah me either!

Nia:"What?! Come on girls You need to loosen up Especially you brie, come on look randy Is probably not gonna come,but if it does that shouldn't stop you from having fun!

Nikki:"Brie, let's just go and have fun girl!

Brie:"Ok, ok guys but the minute I get uncomfortable I'm out!

Nia:"Deal!, So Bayley? Paige? Becks?

Bayley:"Oh yeah I'm in dude!

Alexa:"Hopefully not dressed like that!

Bayley:"What's wrong with how I dress?

Alexa:"Bayley Tbh you dress like a 10 year old boy and I'm ONLY telling you this because you're one of my best friends and I want you to be happy!

Bayley:" but I am happy!

Nikki:"When's the last time you've worn a dress bayley?

Bayley:"Dude I don't know

Alexa:"Ok first of all don't say "dude" and 2 we're going to give you a makeover! So let's go!

Bayley:"Ugh ok!

Liv:"Wait I have to see this for sure!

Charlotte:"Yeah I'm coming to wait up!

(Bayley, liv ,Nikki, alexa and Charlotte Leaves)


Sasha:"What's wrong with you?

Carmella:"AJ is irking my soul!

Paige:"What'd he do now?

Carmella:" He's saying that I don't never want to spend time with him!

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