Midnight Arrival

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It was a mystery how the cloaked shadow had gotten into the city in the first place. Everything about his posture, appearance, and the pale smirk under his hood screamed "danger." He walked with a long, calm stride. His hands were clasped behind his back.

Venn stopped in the middle of the market. It was late, so the stalls were all closed, but a few people still lingered. His black eyes scanned the entire area with a critical eye. None of the people here were suitable. Thieves, ruffians, beggars... he'd had enough of their blood during his journey. Thick and as nasty as rotten apples. He curled his lip in disgust at the thought.

He needed something better.

His head tilted to the side, his eyes sliding to the palace up the road. Perhaps he could find someone there. Even palace servants ate well, the ones who lived in the palace at least, and there was always the chance he would find a noble... or a member of the court.

He walked out of the market square, seeming to glide into the shadows of a dark alley. To any passerby, it would look like he had simply vanished into the shadows. To anyone more observant, they would see a large bat swoop out and bank toward the palace.

Venn swooped high over the heads of the guards and into the palace grounds. He landed in the shadow the castle cast over the lawn, changing smoothly back into the sinister cloaked shadow. The easy part was done.

He pulled off his cloak, despite the chill night, and draped it over one arm. He wore a black tailored nobleman's suit. His shoulder length black hair framed his deathly white face broken by midnight eyes and a sharp toothed smirk.

Venn strolled aimlessly through the long and winding corridors. He didn't know where he was going. He passed a door that seemed plain, but stopped two steps later. It was part way open.

A pair of voices reached him. One man and a woman with northern accents.

Before he could second guess his choice, he slipped into the room. The room, it turned out, was actually an enormous hall. It looked like a storm had gone through and he guessed it was probably one of few rooms that had survived the collapse. The walls must have once been covered by mirrors because glittering pieces covered the floor. Faint images moved in the shards like ghosts. Venn didn't recognize any of the figures that appeared.

A young boy stood near the edge of the room looking into one of few pieces of mirror still on the wall. The reflection was distorted.

Despite his instant dislike of the room, Venn couldn't pass up this opportunity. Young blood, and noble by the looks of him. Venn threw his cloak back on. The rustle made the boy turn. He looked at Venn, startled but not afraid.

Venn wasn't reflected in a single shard of mirror. He approached the boy with a charming smile of sharply pointed teeth. "Hello young one," he said, his voice silky smooth.

The boy made no reply as Venn approached, but he took a couple steps back. His eyes flickered to something behind Venn.

Glass crunched beneath two pairs of steel boots. Venn whipped around, his cloak billowing out. The two guards he guessed he'd heard advanced with their swords out. The woman had only one arm. He bared his pointed teeth at them.

"Step away from the prince, monster," the woman growled. She glared at him with unnaturally green eyes. Elf.

Venn knew the metal wouldn't hurt him, so he played along. He raised his hands with a smirk. "Of course."

The man glanced around the room. His gaze fell on Venn once more. As the elf stepped forward, the man grabbed her shoulder. "Don't get too close Prongs. Metal won't do anything to him."

Venn gave a cocky smile and lowered his hands. "Smart lad. May I see the queen?"

The elf, Prongs, narrowed her eyes. "I don't see we have much choice." She looked back at the young boy. "Run along Nathan."

Nathan gave her a sour look before he ran off.

Prongs gestured to the man. "Lead the way Logan. I'll follow behind."

Venn followed Logan without complaint. If he played this right, it could be highly beneficial to him. He was so lost in thought he didn't realize they'd arrived until he almost ran into Logan.

One guard stood on either side of the door. They saluted to Prongs as Logan knocked on the door.


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