24 | it'll hurt less

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it'll hurt less.


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SABRINA ENDED UP making Ms.Wardwell help her pass over into mortal limbo. But she couldn't find Tommy's soul, so she was forced to tell Harvey the truth about everything. So Harvey broke up with Sabrina before he was forced to kill Tommy.

So everything is back in balance, but Sabrina hasn't left her bed in two days. So on that Monday morning, Selene makes her way to Sabrina's room and throws open the curtains to let some light in. "Brina, wake up. You can't be depressed over some guy forever. You have to live your life."

"What if I see him, or he sees me?" Sabrina asks sadly, sitting up in her bed. "It'll be too much."

"Hilda made you a balm that'll numb your heart for a couple of hours," Selene informs, handing Sabrina the balm with a warm smile. "She said to rub it on your chest as needed."

"I don't want to stop feeling," Sabrina whispers, watching as Selene walks into her closet and looks for an outfit. "I want to stop hurting. No, that's wrong. I want Harvey to stop hurting."

"Well, the balm doesn't work on mortals," Selene shrugs, pulling a blue sweater off a hangar and picking a black miniskirt from Sabrina's dresser.

"What am I gonna do, Selene?"

"You're going to come to school with me today, and then we'll go to the academy tonight," Selene smiles, taking a seat next to Sabrina and taking the girl's hands. "Then we can stay in and binge watch The Vampire Diaries. And tomorrow, we'll do the same, and it'll hurt a little less. And the day after, it'll hurt less."

"After what I put Harvey through, how can I ever face him again?" Sabrina questions, as Selene reaches forward and cups her friends face comfortingly.

She then leans forward and gives Sabrina a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm not sure, but you'll get through it. I'll help you, and we'll get through this. Together."

She smiles warmly at Sabrina before leaving. And that's exactly what they do—they go to school and make it through the day without any problems.

But before going to meet Sabrina after school, Selene tracks down Harvey in the library. He's got his headphones in, and he's listening to music, but he turns to her once she taps him on the shoulder.

"Hey," Selene greets with an apologetic smile.

He takes his headphones off, looking at her questioningly. "Hey."

"I know I'm probably the last person you wanna see right now, but I wanna see how you're doing," Selene admits, carefully wording her sentence.

"Better than my dad," Harvey sighs. "I told him that Tommy killed himself to put himself out of his misery. He just nodded and said, 'He was my Tommy'. Then we called a funeral home, but not you guys, the one in Riverdale."

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