The Breaking Dawn...

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Arnav POV

I returned home with mixed feelings. I was immensely happy after confessing my love to Khushi. But at the same time I was extremely disturbed about the words written by Khushis father. If what he wrote is correct then my Girl is in danger. This Shyam guy is not a simple man. According to Khushi Shyam has been behaving very cordially with everyone in her house. He pretends to be too much of a gentleman. Thats another point to be worried about. He has successfully fooled Khushis family. Hmmm. I need to be extra careful.

But first I should speak to Lavanya. I hope she is not sleeping. I will knock on her door once. If she answers then its fine orelse I will talk to her tomorrow in the morning.

So instead of going to my room I headed towards the guestroom and lightly knocked at the door. Apparently Lavanya must have been too disturbed by todays events because she answered the door in a jiffy. With red puffy eyes and a fake smile she welcomed me in her room. I gulped the overwhelming feeling of guilt and tried to return her smile.

"So...what happened? Are you and Khushi finally together ASR?"
Lavanya asked trying to deflect her obvious mood.

I took the bait and replied.
"Yes. Initially it was difficult to make up to her however after a while Khushi softened up a little. And then when both of us explained our situation to her Babuji...he..he revealed something that astonished me to no end. Lavanya Khushi fiancee Shyam is not a good man."

"What do you mean by that? Shyam is a bad guy?"
Lavanya exclaimed all horrified by my words.

"Exactly. He is a fraud. And now I feel really helpless for leaving her alone at her place. Thankfully that creep is out of town for 2 days. Lavanya whats the progress on your side? Did you start digging anything about him?"
I questioned while walking to the windowside of the room needing some air to breath.

Lavanya followed me and now both of us were staring at the sky which was filled with stars tonight.
"Dont worry ASR I have started working on it. A private detective has accepted our case. Also Aman will be tailing all the people who are in touch with him."

I sighed in relief at her words. Atleast that area is somewhat covered. God when did my life become so complicated? Maybe when I actually thought about living my life. Well welcome to the world of emotions Mr. Raizada.

The very next day I started working on Shyams case with great vigour. This wont be easy. I have to figure out a way of getting in the good books of Khushis family. So to begin my task I went back to Khushis house. I have two whole days before that fraud returns. Therefore I utilized this perfect opportunity and gained brownie points from Buaji.

Apparently my idea of bringing a specialist to treat Shashi uncle worked well. All the hatred that Buaji had for me disappeared the second she realized that I am trying to help her brother get better. Even Khushis Amma smiled at me and offered me breakfast along with her special ginger tea. I obliged and sat down with them to enjoy a good breakfast with my family....errrr....future family.

This whole time Khushi was glowing with happiness. And I could not help but regret the idea of not confessing my love to her sooner. There and then I decided that from now on I am gonna make sure that I would shower Khushi with all of my love. Never again will she feel alone. So when everyone got busy with breakfast I took advantage of Khushi sitting besides me. Without changing my expressions I grabbed her hand which was on her lap from under the table. I gasp escaped her lips.

She continued to smile at her family, her fake and too happy smile and then deliberating pushed a spoon on the floor. I smirked at her silly antics. Slowly she made a show of picking it up and then under the table took place our romance. Since when did I start loving such cheesy stuff?

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