• ❝ Will we ever be something more?❞ •

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[ incendxum  ]

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[ incendxum  ]

Eijirou Kirishima and Shouto Todoroki, Both bounded together by two crushes who broke their hearts.

Was it by fate or by utter coincidence? who knew. Eijirou had fallen hard after a while. Sure, fuck buddies was their relationship but Eijirou craved more. Eijirou wanted something more than just a label of ducking each other whenever needed.

The redhead absolutely never knew what was going on inside of Shouto's head but he knew one thing for sure, that he loved Shouto just as much as Shouto loved Eijirou and that was all he needed.

He had gathered up the courage one day, nervous arms fidgeting as he walked over to the Bi-hair colored male. Shouto was sitting in his desk, feet flat on the ground with a larger looking book in hand. He seemed focused, heterochromic eyes gliding across the page quickly as he read.

He noticed Eijirou almost instantly, as if he had known Eijirou was coming in the first place. His pale hands closed the book, folding the top of the page to save it before looking up to Eijirou.  ❝ Yes, Eijirou? Why do you seem so nervous? ❞ he questioned, eyes watching Eijirou's every movement like a hawk.

Eijirou continued to fidget nervously as he looked down at Shouto. He opened his mouth to speak but his nervousness took over and nothing escaped his lips. 'Fuck' Eijirou thought to himself while looking down at the confused Shouto.

Eijirou looked away, face a slight red in color as he spoke ❝ I know we have something right now b-but i want more then this... I want you to be my boyfriend! ❞ he exclaimed nervously. So much for being manly. His rough hands shook nervously as he kept his look away from the other.

please be my boyfriend, Shouto Todoroki

❝ We are two birds of one stone ❞Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu