'Case We Were Late...

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(A/N: So I wanted this to go on Archive of Our Own, but there god damn 303039u34r8934u8 person waiting list is ridiculous so I gotta wait 3 days. You see I'm not all that patient and when I have my mind set on something I won't stop, so here I am. When My invitation is sent I'll switch onto that, but we'll see how far I get with this on wattshit.

See more notes at the end of the page.)


Large thick arms captured him in a heavy bear hug that felt more like a pile of bricks being draped over him than a warm embrace.


Kacchan's grunt vibrated against him, tickling the back of his neck oh so gently. This forced a chuckle out of him as he shifted around to face his "attacker."

Ah, he's not awake?

He loosely covered his mouth with a hand, muffling the already quiet laugh. "Nevermind, sleep." Izuku whispered. He took this chance to let his eyes dance around the sharp edges of Kacchan's jawline, to his prominent chin, and then the soft, smooth curves of those waiting lips.

God, how did he end up with this man?

Taking in as much as he could of that perfect face without laying a hand on him was much harder than it looked. As much as he wanted to cradle those cheeks in his hands, he wasn't quite sure how fond Kacchan would be of the idea. Instead, he just watched the tame version of Kacchan sleep.

Tame!Kacchan was a rare sight to see indeed, but to Izuku, this was the side of Kacchan he alone could enjoy.

Izuku let out a soft sigh and reluctantly wiggled away from Katsuki. That must have stirred something within him because those needy hands grabbed for something else to hold onto. And that put a smile on Izuku's face. He would have hopped right back into those arms but...

Just... one second, just gotta.. Check the--he reached over Kacchan and grabbed one of the phones off the nightstand--TimeeEOO


Izuku let the phone drop back onto the table and whacked a rough hand against Kacchan's side. He ended up hitting him a little harder than he meant and quickly recoiled with a cringe.

Oops... Sorry Kacchan, but no time. TIME. fonkvbjehwbkjhEWVJHB!

"Wake up! It's 7:05... We're late." The words he said out loud took a moment to process as his brain finally managed to wake up and dive straight into panic mode.

Now, you might be wondering: "What is Kacchan doing and how does this make him feel?"


"What.. the sweet actual FUCK, DEKU." Roared a very angry and sleepy Kacchan. The body beneath Izuku curled into a ball and a hand came up to meet his face, pushing it away.

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