C-1 The Pledge begins

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Jonathan's Pov



I wake up from a deep sleep to the noise of a siren combined with gunshots. I blink once, twice, and then I finally get up. I rub my eyes and looked out the window. There are people running and screaming, I look to my right and see a disfigured creatures chasing after them. The creature's nose was wide almost like a pig, the body looked like a dog standing on its back legs, its head was shaped like an oval, and the eyes were wide almost like an anime character. I jump off my bed and take a step back from the window, closing the curtains that were pushed back to keep anything from seeing me.

I ran to my parent's room to ask what was going on. I push open the door and my eyes go wide. One of the creatures from earlier is standing there, looking at me. I look past him to see my parents' dead on the floor. Their intestines were ripped out and their faces were bashed in. I looked back at the creature who is suddenly closer an he looks back at me. I stood there in shock, I didn't move, I didn't speak, I didn't breath. The creature moved closer to me and raised its hand. I closed my eyes and braced for impact but it didn't come. I opened my eyes and saw the creature but it didn't look like the creature at all. 

In front of me stood a tall man, handsome man with one gorgeous blue eye and one emerald green eye. His hand moved onto my forehead and he didn't say anything. I stepped back and he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me toward him. I yelped and tried my hardest to push him off but it was no use. He was twice as strong as I was and taller than me as well. When he finally let go I took off and didn't look back, I ran and ran and ran through the streets passing multiple creatures but then I was stopped. I bumped into one of the creatures and it grabbed me and squeezed my shoulders so hard I thought they were going to break.

I screamed and kicked and fought but nothing stopped it. I gave up after a few minutes I saw the creature open its mouth and unhinging its jaw. My eyes opened wide and I screamed loud, almost too loud. The creature suddenly stopped and dropped me causing me to fall on my ass. The creature fell on me and I yelled. I looked down and saw black blood dripping from the stomach of the creature and pushed it off of me quickly. I looked up and saw another creature holding the tube from the stomach of the other creature who fell on top of me.

It grabbed me and I yelled, this time way too loud. Everyone on the street looked at us for a quick second but then continued to run away. The creatures stomach opened causing me to kick and scream to try and get away but that didn't work. It looked at me and closed its stomach, I let out a sigh of relief. I was put on the back of the creature and it started running. I hung on tightly, too scared to fall off. It ran through cracks of buildings and streets. It dodged the other creatures and people in the streets. He ran into a broken down building and stopped, I climbed off of the creature and planned to run but it grabbed me and turned me around so my back was against its chest.

It covered my eyes with its hands and didn't let me go. I heard a muffled sound and I felt its bones moving and its ribs getting back into place. I was completely terrified and disgusted. After a few minutes, I was turned back around and met with the handsome man again. He bent down and pulled something up, it was a plank from the floor. He looked at me than the floor then back at me.... he was trying to make me go in there!

"No," I said in a firm voice.

All he did was grab me and force me into the hole which had more room in it then I expected. "Hey, let me o-" My word were cut off as he placed a hand onto my mouth and looked up, his eyebrows furrowed.  He looked like he was listening for something. He looked at me and closed the plank so now no one could see me from the top.  I heard a sound and a scream and wail, then I heard only the sound of my own heavy breathing. The plank reopened and my heart stopped for a second but then I realized it was only the man.

"What is your name?" I said in a quiet voice, I almost sounded like a girl.

"R...R..." Was the only thing he could get out, I could tell he understood what I was saying and was trying hard to answer.

"Its okay, why are you helping me?" I say stepping out of the hole and looking at him.

"Like.....you...." Was the only thing he said. My eyes went wide and he didn't seem to care. He jumped into the hole and started digging. It seemed like he was making more room.

I was shocked, how could he like me? I'm not even gay...I don't think...I... nevermind! A creature that killed my parents and my... MY SISTER! I forgot about my baby sister! Did he kill her? I have to go back, I can't leave her. Her room is in the basement because we were still clearing her room my mom had a baby monitor in her room so she knew is Abigail, my sister, was crying or if she needed something.

"We have to go back!" I yelled.

He stopped everything and looked at me giving me the confused look.

"I left my sister, my baby sister. We need to go back!"

He shook his head, I got angry and really was not in the mood. "Please, I can't leave her!"

He looked down and climbed out of the hole. He sighed and grabbed me. He turned me around and pushed me against his chest. I felt the disgusting feeling of his bones moving around and I grimaced. After a few seconds, he let me go. I turned back around to see the horrifying creature which caused me to jump. He got on his paws and feet, he motioned for me to climb on his back, which I did and he went slow but sped up and soon we reached my house.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey mah d00ds. Sorry for the short chapter, hope you enjoyed it.


I found out the "The pledge"  is an actual movie after I wrote this.

I found out the "The pledge"  is an actual movie after I wrote this

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