The Bet

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The next day, Sehun didn't worry about the bathroom incident since he was relieved that Junmyeon didn't know he was being watched. A huge weight was off of his shoulders because he didn't want to be confronted about it. The wind from the speed of the motorcycle was hitting his face as he was speeding through the freeway, on his way to meet with Junmyeon and the rest of the crew.

This would be the second time he was going to tag race with another crew. Even though he beat a few bikers before, he was still nervous. His stomach feeling tied into a knot the closer he reached his destination. It was the same spot where he and Junmyeon have met for the first time. The bar, in an open space, almost deserted, but a road that hardly has cars. The two biker gangs were already hanging around and inside the bars, chatting and loitering outside of the premises. He parked in the front of the bar along with other bikes and looked for Junmyeon inside. When he got inside, loud rock music was played from an old jukebox, and even if he called for Junmyeon, he knew the music would overpower his voice. He searched for a shorter, pale skinned guy with dark short hair, but there was a big crowd this time. Being lazy, he gave up searching around.

When he sat at the bar and decided to get a drink, a hand slapped his shoulder and startled him. A yelp escaped his lips, his fist clenched defensively and Junmyeon's face appeared with a cheeky grin. 

"Don't do that, Hyung." Sehun scolded, his teeth gritting in anger. He hated being surprised, and Junmyeon knew that but didn't care. 

Junmyeon laughed in response, "For a guy who acts tough, you're easily frightened."

Sehun rolled his eyes, "Shut up."

"We are going to start the race in just a moment. Are you excited?"

"Sure, this is fun."

The bartender approaches them, and Junmyeon takes a seat next to Sehun.

"Heineken? The usual?" The bartender smirked as he cleaned a glass with a white cloth. 

"Yes, Luhan. I would like two of them." Sehun gestured to Junmyeon, "Would you like one?"

Junmyeon smiled and nodded. When Luhan brought their cold beers, they clanked their bottles and started to drink. A smile started to creep on his face as he watched Junmyeon drink more of his beer, his Adam's apple sliding up and down with each swallow. Sehun's lips felt dry and he suddenly licked to moist them, watching his friend drink his cold beer with his eyes closed. He could tell Junmyeon had a lot on his mind.

He doesn't know, Sehun thought. He doesn't know that I've seen him naked. And I would like to keep it that way before it gets awkward.

He heard someone clear their throat, which snaps Sehun out of his trance and instantly faced a smirking Luhan. Sehun's face felt hot, embarrassed as he was caught staring at Junmyeon. 

"What?" Sehun shouted defensively, his face fixed in an aggressive expression.

"Oh, nothing~" Luhan chimed and turned his back to assist the other people across the bar on the other side. After Junmyeon finished his bottle, he set it down and made an exaggerated, "Ah." He opened his eyes to look back at Sehun.

Sehun rolled his eyes, "So, who is going to race this time. Me, you and who else?" 

"Chanyeol," Junmyeon replied. "He's been bugging to race with me since I haven't had him race lately. This is a three tag race, and he's one of the best racers in our club. I was thinking you go first, Chanyeol second and me last."

"Sounds good to me," Sehun replied, taking a sip of his beer. 

"To make this interesting, I think we should bet." Junmyeon grinned.

Sehun curiously leaned in, "What did you have in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking if I beat your lap time, you are paying for what you broke last night."

Sehun frowned disappointedly. The didn't seem like an interesting bet at all, but he didn't mind doing that. "Okay? And if I beat your time...?"

"It's up to you." Junmyeon bites his lip nervously, then calls for Luhan to get another drink.

Sehun felt uneasy again, wondering what can he possibly bet in his favor. There were many things he thought of; trading Junmyeon's expensive bike for his own to ride for a day, do all of his homework from his art class for the semester, buy him drinks. He even had a thought of kissing him, but that would be too absurd to bet that. 

"Can I think about it. I'm trying to think of a good one."

"Well, we don't have all night, Sehun." Junmyeon was frowning, and took another beer from Luhan and started to drink. 

"If I beat your lap time..." Sehun spoke thoughtfully, yet nervously. "Can I tell you the bet after?"

Junmyeon's eyebrow raised, "Hmm. I guess there aren't any rules of when to bet while betting." Junmyeon pointed at him, almost in a demanding way, "But you HAVE to tell me if you win."

Sehun smirked, he had something in mind. 

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