[1] Meeting the Love of my Life

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kyla's POV

Chapter 1: Meeting the love of my life 

"KYLA!! GET YOUR UGLY ASS OUT OF BED!!" screamed my mom. She was always abusing me, and that made me depressed. I was also bullied for being ugly, and poor.

I got out of bed, grabbed one of my many iPhone 5s', and looked at my ugly self in the mirror: I had blonde waves of silken hair, startling blue orbs, a perfectly tanned complexion, and a skinny body! God, I'm so ugly! I can really understand the bullies at school.

Shaking my head at my own ugliness, I stepped into the shower. When I was finished, I got out to put my makeup on only... wow, LOOK AT THAT! Even after my shower, my hair was still curly and beautiful! My mascara hadn't budged! My waterline and eyelid already had a straight line on them! I have no acne, so I don't have to worry about foundation, and my lips are naturally rosy.

I threw on some clothes I found on the floor - they just happened to be designer jeans, a white silk blouse, a Gucci bag and pink heels - and went downstairs

 "Yes, Mom! What do you want?" I asked angrily. My mom was just sitting there having her third shot of morning tequila while my dad smoked and abused her.

"We're finally getting you a job, because we're so poor," My dad announced, as he watched the football game on our deluxe plasma TV while one of our many cooks cleaned, and his servant handed him a different SmartPhone when he snapped his fingers.

"What...?" I gasped. "But.... I can't work!"

"Oh yes, you can! Today after school, you are working at... STARBUCKS!" My mom shouted. Wow! I never would've expected that. 

"But... why?" Tears streamed down my cheeks. 

"They actually didn't want you, so I bought the company," My dad said with a shrug. 

"Exactly, and you're very lucky. We're poor and it's important that you work and help support the family," Mom lectured.

I turned around, wailing and dramatically exited the house to go to school, of course without any kind of books or pencils, but that's okay! We're in a fan fiction, everything will magically appear when we want it to!

As I arrived at school, a girl called Brittany who was my main bully immediately came up to me. She was blonde, so of course, she immediately was an evil character.

"Hey, loser," she sneered. "I hear you're so poor you have to get a job."

"Huh?" I gasped. How did she know? We're in a fan fiction, after all but there are limits.

"Oh, I'm just smart. By the way, you're really ugly," she said and walked away.

I stopped myself from crying, and ran into the bathrooms where I finally let my tears and all my shock from my troubled past through. Finally, I emerged and went to school. 

I'm not going to explain how my day at school was because introductions do not exist in fan fictions, duh! Everyone knows that.

So after being bullied again about being ugly and poor, I jumped into one of my BMW convertibles and drove to Starbucks. Of course, I knew where Starbucks was even without a GPS.

I arrived and saw two girls already serving customers. One had blonde hair and bluish-green eyes. She wore alot of makeup, and high heeled shoes with tight clothes under her work uniform. The other had piercings in her ears, nose, and tongue with black teased hair and purple highlights. She wore black clothes. I could tell I would hate the blonde, and love the other.

To my surprise, the blonde came up to me, and grinned cheerily. "Hi! You must be Kyla Crystals! Nice to meet you, my name is April, and this is my coworker Darkie."

Darkie ignored me. What?! How was she bitchy, and April nice? It's meant to be the other way around!

"Hi, Darkie, hey April! Yes I am Kyla Crystals."

"Okay well, we're in a fan fiction, so I assume there's no need for me to teach you anything about how the shop works," April said and I nodded, agreeing. "Look, there's your first customer."

A starbucks uniform magically morphed onto my clothes, and I scuttled behind the counter as the curly haired guy who was my first customer approached.

"Hello, what can I get you?" I asked him.

"I'll have a flavoured latte, please," The boy said and winked at me. I felt myself blush: he was so cute!

I didn't know how I was supposed to get him his latte, since I'd never been to Starbukcs before, but magically since we were in a fan fiction, one appeared and I handed it to him, as I stared into his green orbs, leaning closer and closer until...

"AAAAAAAGHHHHHH!" He screamed. I'd just spilt the coffee all over him! Somehow, neither April, nor Darkie, nor any of the people in the shop had noticed. 

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I apologized, but as I was about to turn to get him a towel and another latte, he grabbed my wrist, turning me towards him.

"No need to worry," He breathed, staring into my orbs. "Kyla."

"Wait." I was starting to realize: something was fishy. "How do you know my name? Huh?"

He pulled back now, visibly annoyed. "Every girl in a fan fiction has a name like Kylie, or Kyla! I just took a guess, jeez!"

"Okay, okay, sorry," I amended. 

He grinned cheekily, and leaned back towards me. Of course, there was no line of annoyed customers waiting for him to finish since hello! This is a fan fiction!

"So, will you come with me to my house when your shift is finished?" He asked.

"Of course," I breathed. 

He smiled and pulled away as I handed him another flavoured latte. And went to sit down at his table.

"Wow," April whispered. "He's really cute!"

I smiled. "Right?"

Finally when my shift was done, I bid goodbye to April who answered with a cheery wave and a "bye-bye" and to Darkie, who ignored me. What a bitchass!

I called my abusive mother, who answered the phone by saying "FUCK YOU LITTLE SHITFACE!!!"

"Hey mom," I answered since this was a regular occurence. "Can I go to a random creepy stranger who has an obvious love interest in me's house for a few hours?"

"Of course sweetie," answered my abusive mom, not bothering to enquire about my job. "have fun!"

I turned to the boy. "Okay, let's go," I said. He looked at me with his green orbs, and winked.

i am aware that the cover is terrible I am currently working on a better one. New part will be up maybe soon, maybe not. ;) 

Also this is posted on Annoying Things as a kind of trailer.

Dedicate to: @_Let_it_go for being the first to comment. Ily Tessassy! <3 #bestnicknameever

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