The Spiritual Constitution

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The world as we know it us decreasing in its core qualities such as generosity, honesty, nobility, intelligence, and justice. Humans worldwide are adopting new Qualities undesirable for a productive society. These new qualities: selfishness, cowardice,dishonesty, rudeness, and cruelty, are all leading to the downfall of the human race.

In attempt to save them from their own self destruction, we decree that an Emolumentum, or betterment, will be formed. Here forth, every year on, the Wise Ones will select a new Auxilium, or helper to add to the Emolumentum group.

The Auxilium will be of the deceased. They will be chosen based on their measurements of integrity, honor, honesty, bravery, selflessness, and generosity. They must posses a pure heart. They will contain all of the qualities wanted in redeeming and correcting society. They will devote the entirety of their spiritual existence to help improve the actions and psyche of all with Tainted Traits. They will accomplish all this under The Plan.

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