"Okay, but how do we beat him?" FP asks impatiently.

"It looks like the person with the manual, that'd be me, is the Game Master," Penelope says reading from yhr book, "I will guide you through quests and you complete them until you ascend to the next level. But first, pick your characters."

"I pick 'The Sorceress.'" Alice says picking up the card, "Maybe I can make all you nerds disappear."

"I pick, 'The Thief'" Hermione says, "I've always wanted to be free of moral reasoning." Hermione holds the card close to her face. Thief like her little boyfriend.

"Well, as the voice of the people, I choose 'The Siren'" Sierra says proudly of her stance.

"'Deadeye'" FP says reading the card her grabs, "Sick!"

"Fred, we all know you are 'The Radiant Knight," Penelope says and I quickly move in.

"Brace and righteous," I say, "it's perfect for you."

"'Clinging to the ideals of hope, justice, and righteousness," Fred reads out, "I don't know, it seems kinda-"

"Boring." Alice says barely looking at him.

"Perfect for you." Hermione and I say. I glare at Hermione as she says it. Didn't she already have a boyfriend.

"Lame." Naomi groans leaning back, "this all is so lame!"

"Pick your character already Naomi," Alice groans. Naomi reaches and grabs the one closet to her.

"High Elf," She says to them, "great maybe I'll join in Alice with making people disappear. Better yet I'll make myself disappear."

"Half Orc," David says as he pulls a card towards him, "'barbarians that live in uneasy balance, fighting in some seasons and trading in others."

"Perfect for you," Hermione says looking at him, "a barbarian." David rolls his eyes.

"And the seasons is sleeping with each Bonnet sister," Naomi scoffs loudly then looks to me, "Lily you're the only one left."

"And it seems she's left with," Fred pauses as he reaches for the card revealing my fate. "The Princess."

"How fitting," Alice says.

"Now, pay attention," Penelope says forcing Naomi to calm down, "'Welcome, brave adventurers, to Eldervair, realm of Gryphons and Gargoyles.' Lady Smith, please pick your quest card." Alice reaches for a quest card to start.

"'Free the souls of the undead,'" she reads out not really caring about the situation.

"'You are standing at the top of Necromancer's Alley," Penelope reads dramatically.

That's how it begins, The maddening obsession, with the roll of a dice. But once you get past that first roll even the most skeptical join the obsession.

"You approach a well at the center of Arcana Maze. The hedges grow behind you, sealing off the exit," Penelope says dramatically as all of us stress slightly.

"I'm gonna toss my Gildite coin," FP says, "Please be heads. Please be heads." He flips it and we all lean in to see. It landed on heads.

"A geyser bursts up depositing The Scroll of Elders in your hand," Penelope says as we all celebrate happily.

"Nicely done, Squire Pendleton," Hermione says high fiving FP. Naomi claps his back.

"Good job," She says, "finally you aren't useless."

"He's not useless," I say to Naomi, "good going FP."

"Is it too late to start another round?" Hermione asks.

Paranoia // Third Book To The Lucky SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now