Kangaroo beamed and began telling Amora her stories about Phyrria. "Well, they call us SandWings..." 

Amora listened intently as Kangaroo explained her adventures in Phyrria, but a few minutes later, an icy whirlwind settled in the polar bear bed next to Kangaroo's. Now what sat there was a beautiful silver dragon, her wings like Kangaroo's, but they were silver streaked with indigo. Her tail had a whip-thin end, unlike Kangaroo's barb. Her face was shaped differently too, sharper features instead of a SandWing's rounder face.

"Oh, Permafrost." Kangaroo grumbled to Amora. "She's an IceWing, and a perfect example of an aristocratic STUCK UP JERK!" Kangaroo shouted the last part loud enough for the graceful dragon to hear. Permafrost turned her delicate silvery head towards the SandWing. 

"And you're a perfect example of a stupid SandWing peasant mistake." she said smoothly, icily. Kangaroo narrowed her glittering eyes in outrage, and Amora could only imagine the rage she was pinning down inside her. 

But a colorful hurricane whipped into the room, spotted with yellow, pink, and green, flying all into the green hammock. When she spotted the three other dragons in the cave, she squealed with delight.

"OH MY GOSH! ARE YOU A LEAFWING?" she screeched, skidding to a halt in front of Amora. Amora flinched, then steadied herself. 

"Yes." Amora said cautiously. 

"Ohmygosh, you're so pretty!" the color-changing dragon traced her claw across one of Amora's, her mouth going a mile a minute. "Wow! You're so weird and pretty! Oh, I'm sorry for being so rude, my name is Melody!"

Permafrost scoffed. "Leave the poor dragon alone, Tiny."

Clouds of red exploded along Melody's scales, her green eyes becoming slits. "Oh, Permafrost, you jerkface idiot-"

A ruby red lump of flopped down on the pile of pillows. A HiveWing.

"Hey." she waved her claws at the three dragons and Amora. Her yellow eyes met Permafrost's. With a snort of disgust, Amora turned her head away. 

Kangaroo stood up. "We're supposed to meet the rest of our winglet at sunset, which is about now."

Amora stretched her wings and shook out her tail. Permafrost and the HiveWing, (who Amora found out was Hibiscus later) whispered together as they followed Kangaroo, Melody, and Amora to the Swordtail Meeting Cave. 

The cave walls were a lighter brown color, the sunset sunbeams shining into the cave. Amora looked up and saw that the cavern had no roof.

Vines crawled down the walls of the cave, cheerful pink blooms springing up from them. A crystal-clear pool sat in the middle of the circular cave, and the back side of the cavern had no wall, and it ended in a stone ledge over Dragonfly Bay, the tropical water glowing magically in the sunset.

A HiveWing sat across from the entrance, his back to the open wall. His rusty-colored scales glowed bronze in the sunlight, like a piece of discarded sword scrap. He smiled crookedly as Amora and her Winglet walked in, gesturing for them to sit across from him. 

"You guys are the girls from the Swordtail Winglet, right?" the scuffed-up HiveWing asked. "My name is Bullet, and I'm the hunting manager! When the other half of your Winglet comes, you guys are gonna help me hunt dinner!"

Melody curled her tail over her small talons, her scales turning yellow and pink with excitement. 

"Oh, man! I can't wait to meet the rest of our Winglet!" she whispered excitedly to Amora. "Aren't you excited, Amora?" 

Amora nodded. "I wonder who else is in it." she whispered back.

Laughter erupted from down the passage. Footsteps echoed in the narrow passage that led to the Swordtail Winglet cave. 

The first dragon to walk into the cave was a brown SilkWing with orange and white splotches. He had not gone through Metamorphosis yet, so where his wings would be were little buds. 

"Argus?" Hibiscus asked incredulously. "You're in our Winglet? Why did we get the most boring SilkWing ever?"

"Nice to see you too," Argus grumbled, plopping down next to Melody. Amora could just imagine the thoughts running through her head, so she snorted to cover a laugh. Then the next dragons came into the cave, and it was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen before. 

A large blue-colored SeaWing stuck his head into the cave, the rest of his body following behind him. A large MudWing thumped in behind him, followed by a small ruby-red dragon with blue eyes. The SeaWing had starburst of luminescent scales all over his body,and his legs faded from the color of the sky to an inky dark blue. His green eyes scanned the room, and he waved to Bullet. "Hello. I'm Poseidon."

Bullet smiled. "Poseidon! Youngest son of Lady Tsunami and Sir Riptide of the SeaWings, am I right?"

Poseidon smiled and sat down beside Argus, curling his tail neatly around his wickedly curved fishhook-shaped talons. 

Bullet cocked his head at the other two dragons. "What is your names?"

"Quake the MudWing." The huge brown dragonet said. Then he put one wing around the smaller red dragonet with blue eyes. "This is Blue-Jay the SkyWing. But I call him Jay-Jay."

Jay-Jay glared up at Quake. "No, you don't! You just made that up!" 

Quake barked a laugh. "Maybe."

But talonsteps sounded down the tunnel again. All heads swiveled in the direction of the entrance when a handsome dragonet stepped in. 

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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