Chapter 2 : Starbucks Surprise

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Rowan's POV


The girls and I took a trip to Starbucks along with Bradley and Peyton. G was asking us all about the coming GMW episodes.

"Pretty please, I won't tell a soul." She promised. I laughed and shook my head. A secret was a secret. Her show, Dog With A Blog, was currently filming their third season. 

I took one good long sip of my chocolate mocha. The whipped cream made it even more delicious.

Sabrina and Bradley were busy snapping selfies. They had not seen each other in...what...3 months? And she was probably dying inside.

They made a really cute couple. I watched as Sabrina laughed at Bradley's joke and lay her head on his shoulder. He said something else and she slapped him playfully.

Who knows? Maybe they would end up together another 3 years down the road.

I would do anything for a boyfriend. I had rejected 2 guys before.  I just didn't like them that way. I wanted someone whom I could actually trust.


WHAT WAS I THINKING?! I didn't know why his name suddenly appeared in my head.

That was insane. I had just talked to him for the first time today.

I hardly knew him at all. Besides, he was 15. I was 13. He wouldn't probably date a girl 2 years younger than him.

Peyton and G were talking about the time that they had acted together in DWAB.

"He was my crush!" G giggled.

"Well now he's my crush!" I said and we all shared a laugh. Peyton rolled his eyes.

My phone vibrated. It was a whatsapp text message from Pey.

Pey ♥ : Hey!!! did u hear the news?!

Me : What news?

Pey ♥ : Lol guess u didn't then.

Me : Tell meee!!

Pey ♥ : Nahh u'll find out soon enuf

Me : Hey at least give me a hint.

Pey ♥ : hmm let's say it's something about Jessie.

Me : haha okay I'll figure it out ;-)

Pey was so sweet. She was an amazing friend. The perfect person that I could always go shopping with.

Peyton and G were still talking about DWAB. I felt kind of left out. I looked around, but Sabrina wasn't beside me. Neither was Bradley.

Where had they gone?


Sabrina's POV


Bradley and I had gone to the little area outside the Starbucks outlet.

He said that he wanted to give me something.

The sky was getting dark, and I was getting cold. I couldn't wait to get home tonight.

Bradley told me to close my eyes, and I did. I wondered what he was going to give me. Maybe it was pizza. Who was I kidding? I smiled to myself.

Suddenly, there was a bright light in my eyes and there was the sound of cameras clicking. I groaned.


"Hi, are you two dating?" A lady camd forward holding what seemed like a mic.

"No,no!" I laughed. "We're nothing more than best friends!"

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