Blue night

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  Well if I don't say so myself Beck I did a really good job(straighten back) wow I never get tried watching you make clothes Nasha. Me either. Really did you have to yes I had to Beck. Hahah very funny. I might as well go outside I've got to sell all these dresses. Really do you remember the last time you went out yeah yeah. I almost got kidnapped but I showed him I hit him where he can't make any other human like him. I did the world a favor. Ha keep telling yourself that Nasha what if this time they really get you. Well see them try. The village people haven't seen me a lot so they won't care. Well they do (Beck says) they'd even tried to teach you how to play the pipa. That's because they want something from me Beck (Nasha says) Are trying to get me to to the village dance thing. Well yeah. I mean it starts at sun down anyway so you have time.Well you do have a point tho. How about we go window shopping for an outfit to wear for the dance (Nasha says) Also the village cheif will be there. Oh you mean your daddy
Becky boi(throws hands)Hey don't start Nasha. I'm not come on let's go. They walk out of the little house that Nasha has lived in for two years.  (Narrator) as Beck and Nasha walk down to the village market they heard yelling) THIEF  THIEF OH PLEASE HELP ME (village women) (Narrator: as the thief ran past Nasha bumping into her she ran after him.  She jumped into a back flip in front of the thief and landed a back swing kick right to the leg of  the thief. The thief wasn't going to back down. The thief swung at Nasha' s head she swung back words making the the thief to stumble. She opens her hands and punched him in the stumic. Cause him to fall in still place. The crowd cheers. (Village women) thank u thank u your more man than these men who just sat and watched.(Village women 2) oh oh the all mighty what's your name young lady ( Nasha: my name is Nasha) ( village man 1) All hail Nasha the blue night( Crowd) All HAIL NASHA All HAIL NASHA  (two hours past) As  Nasha and Beck are walking a man in Black walks up saying u must be the blue night. I'm  someone that will come in handy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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