Chapter #1

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Ugh its night time look at all these people I can go and kill

I have to stay low so I won't get caught but I'm stronger than these pathetic weaklings

Whatever I don't really care much if someone caught me, I can just kill them not like they can kill me with their strength so weak

Everyone here is just my play toy and to eat of course

No one can tell me what to do I am feared because of my power not alot of people know me that much

When some talks down to me they get killed or tortured

Man I'm so bored and hungry standing here watching people go do whatever there doing

I jumped off the roof wearing something to cover my face so no one can see

I can take off my mask Maybe I can seduce some girls to come with me so I can eat them

Like who can't stand my handsome face

I saw someone a pretty darkskin girl having trouble putting all her groceries away

Maybe I can eat her 

With a smirk on my face I started walking to her

I took off my mask since she needs to see my handsome face

"What is a beautiful girl like you putting all the groceries away by yourself without any help seems sad no one came to help you" I said flirting

"Stop with the complement you can here to sweet talk me well your wrong I dont need help"

My smirked increased

"Well you know it's dangerous to be around here all by yourself someone can kill u and you wouldn't even know it" I said smelling her neck I don't know what got over me but I wanted to taste her blood so bad

She pushed me off hm a strong girl but not so strong

"What the hell is wrong with u do that if that happens next time I will punch you in nuts got it" she said with confidence

Hm I like this girl alright but time to crush it

"How can I get over my self when your blood smells so good and for that stupid stunt you just pulled I will give you five seconds to run before I tear your neck and kill you" I said smirking away step by step closer to her

"W-what" she said stuttering moving back 

"You should be glad that I gave you 5 seconds, I never gave any of my food a head start" I said showing my fangs almost close to her

She still shocked not moving 

"You better start running or this game won't be fun" he said pouting

Since I'm in a good mood, I really love games.

Thanks for reading

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