Guns for hands:

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Mr Dun was reading through the register looking up every time he shouted out a name so he could put a face to the name, he wasn't a morning person which is probably the worst thing for a teacher as they always need to be up early.

"Tyler Joseph" He called out and heard a small "Here" so he looked around the room and spotted the boy and that is when Josh started daydreaming.

This boy was the most beautiful boy he has ever laid eyes on, his hair looked so soft and bouncy, his figure slim but had a few curves, his face was beautiful, pretty eyes, plump lips and a gorgeous voice too. Josh snapped out of his daydream when he realised he had been staring for a while.

"P-pete Wentz" He stuttered because he was lost for words how could someone be so pretty and delicate at 17? He finished the register and started to teach, he thought it would be nice if he just gave them one work sheet for the lesson to work on since he didn't want to be too hard on them on his first day and he also wanted to know what they knew so he started going around and handing them out. Jenna was talking to Pete who was sat on the table next to her because she knew Tyler was sleeping which wasn't like Tyler, he was a good boy in school and never got into trouble. She knew she had to speak to him about it after class. Mr Dun got to Tyler's table and gave Jenna her sheet.

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah I guess he didn't sleep well last night." Jenna replied.

"I'm going to have to wake him up, sadly."

"I understand, he won't mind. This isn't like him anyway" Mr Dun lightly tapped Tyler to wake him up and the pretty boy sat up almost instantly and apologised and then he started to get embarrassed because he noticed Mr Dun was stood right in front of him, he looked even better up close.

"I'm s-sorry sir"

"It's okay but I will need you to stay behind okay?"

Tyler just nodded knowing this was going to happen. The lesson went by quite quickly and when the bell rang all of the students basically ran out of the classroom.

"I'll meet you at our normal spot okay Ty?"

Tyler didn't answer he just nodded lightly.

"You will be okay Ty, he won't hurt you" Jenna pulled Tyler in for a hug, kissed him lightly on his cheek and walked out. When Josh heard what Jenna said he was really upset why would Tyler think he would hurt him?

"Please take a seat Tyler" Tyler sat at the desk directly in front of Mr Dun's keeping his head down because he didn't want to embarrass himself.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes why?"

"Because you were asleep in my class and your girlfriend told me that it's not like you to do that"

"Girlfriend? Oh you mean Jenna, she's not my girlfriend she's my best friend and has been since we were babies. Yeah m'just tired and I had a headache. The voices wouldn't stop" As soon as Tyler said that he knew he messed up.

"Oh I'm sorry I thought she was by the way you two were acting" he chuckled nervously.

"And what voices?" Tyler didn't answer because he always got nervous when he had to talk to cute guys.

"It's okay Tyler, you can talk to me about anything, okay?" he placed his hand on to the pretty boy's shoulder and lifted his chin up with his fingers so Tyler would look at him. Tyler started to feel a warm feeling in the pit of his stomach which started to make it's way to his member.

"O-okay, I have to go to my next lesson and again I'm sorry for sleeping in your class" Tyler quickly replied and ran to the toilets. No one had ever made him feel this way, what even was this feeling he noticed the pain in his panties and when he looked down he was mortified. Why was his member doing this the first thing he could think about doing was message Brendon so he did and 2 minutes later Brendon was in the bathroom with Tyler.

"What's wrong dude?" Tyler just awkwardly looked down towards his crotch and Brendon did too.

"Oh man, how did that happen? Or should I say who made that happen?"

"Mr Dun kept me behind because I fell asleep in Math and he touched my shoulder and looked me in the eyes and he is so beautiful Bren he really is and then I felt warm and fuzzy and ran here and noticed I had this problem and that is when I messaged you and here we are."

"Right okay, that feeling is a good feeling, this only happens when you really like something or someone so to me it's when Dallon laughs or touches me too and that's obviously the effect Mr Dun has on you, it's not bad it's actually really good. Not so good because he is a teacher and you are underage but that isn't that bad right?"

"It's illegal B and you know I have never even kissed anyone so I don't know what to do."

"I know it's illegal but who needs to know? If he likes you the same way you like him then he will happily risk it I bet you, if anything does happen between the two of you make sure you tell him that you have never done anything before anything gets too intimate between you two so he at least knows where he stands okay?"

"Yeah I guess but it is never going to happen, thank you so much though B, my problem is gone now."

"Good we better head to class, we don't want to be late. Keep me up to date though okay?"

"Yes I will, bye."

Finally school was finished and the group of friends met up and walked home dropping each one off one by one until it was just the pretty boy, he walked inside his door and was already greeted by his mother.

"Hey babe, how'd it go? Make any new friends? Meet any new people?"

"It was good mum, no new friends I'm happy with the ones I have and we have a new Math teacher."

"Oooh what's she like?"

"She is a he and he is nice" the pretty boys face started to heat up.

"Ooooohh nice in that way honey?"


"Oh come on you can tell me"

"He is beautiful mum, he is so gorgeous and his face is shaped like it was shaped by God himself and his voice is so soft but so masculine at the same time and he looks very muscular and he has a beautiful smile and he is really kind and caring and he makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside."

"Awww I'm glad you like him baby, just go careful okay and always use protection!"

"Muuummm he is a teacher and I'm a student"

"I know honey but you can't let that get in the way, just make sure you're careful okay if he likes you the same way he will be willing to quit his job for you and if you're happy, I'm happy."

"Okay mum, can I go upstairs now?"

"Yes sweetie, I'll shout you down when dinner is ready"

He had dinner and went to bed but all he could think about was the way Mr Dun spoke to him, like he actually cared about the boy. Eventually he fell asleep.

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