〖Chpater 4 | Nightmare〗

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Shelly was in her kitchen drinking a glass of warm milk like she does every night before she goes to bed. Shelly walked to her bathroom and brushed her teeth; she opened her medicine cabinet and looked for her anti-depressants. She had to take them or she couldn't sleep at night. She had been taking them ever since she found her mother lying in bed with her wrists sliced open. Her mother had taken her own life.

Shelly lay down in her bed and gently closed her eyes.

Sleep soon overpowered her. Soon Shelly was opening her eyes again, but she wasn't in her room anymore; no she was in her childhood home her and her mother had shared. She looked down at herself, and instead of seeing her twenty-two-year-old body, she saw the body of a young twelve-year-old girl wearing a light pink nightgown.

She gently pushed open the door she stood in front of. 'Mommy," She whispered. 'Are you okay mommy?' It was the exact image of what she saw ten years ago, her mother laying on her queen size bed with her wrists completely slit open. Her mother's wrists continued to bleed, leaving a bloody pool on the floor. But something was different; the blood dripping out of her wrists didn't stop. Instead, it started to flow faster, then her skin started sliding off her bones, landing in a bloody heap on the floor.

Within seconds, the whole room went dark. All Shelly could feel was the mushy carpet under her feet as she crept around the dark room.

*Crunch* *Crunch*

The noise startled Shelly, and she quickly found a light switch and switched on the lights. On her mother's bed was a horrid looking creature. It had leathery looking skin, a hunched back, and it was almost as tall as she was. Shelly stood there frozen in fear as the hideous creature munched on her mother's bones. It looked over at her with deep black eyes and jumped off the bed, landing on all four of its dog-like legs. It looked at her hungrily and let out a monstrous growl.

Shelly's first instinct was to run; she ran towards the door and opened it. Quickly, she ran up the stairs to her bedroom. Shelly raced over to the bookcase and pushed it in front of the door, trying to create a barricade. She ran towards the window that was behind her, thinking it was a way to escape. She pulled and pulled, but no luck the window wouldn't open. Shelly looked around and searched for an item to defend herself.

She noticed a long shiny rod sticking us from under her twin size bed. She picked it up and touched the sharp end with the tip of her finger.


Startled, Shelly dropped her weapon and it rolled next to the bookcase, but before she could go pick it up, the monster broke down the door. It jumped on Shelly, digging its long talon-like claws into her skin. Shelly scream in pain while squirming, trying to get free, but that only made the pain worse as the skin started to slowly tear off her arms. She got free, crawling to the corner of the room. Shelly watched the monster eat the flesh that got pulled off of her arms. The monster turned around, getting ready to pounce again. Shelly noticed the rod next to her, and right when the monster jumped to make its final blow, she stabbed the rod deep into its chest. Its lifeless body slumped into a heap on the floor.

Everything then started to blur and Shelly opened her eyes again to find herself back in her bedroom. Sweat was dripping from her forehead. As Shelly got up and turned on the light; she noticed that there were scars on her arms right where the monster had dug its claws into her. She wondered if it was really all just a dream...

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