The Night of the Comet

Start from the beginning

     „Sure," I sighed, catching the car keys he threw me.



The drive to the Salvatore's was short and I couldn't help but experience a déjà-vu as I jumped out of the car and went up to the door for the second time in two days. I knocked and almost expected Damon Salvatore to open the door, but it was a rather surprised looking Stefan.

     „Hi!" I said in greeting.

     „Hi," Stefan answered, not sure whether my coming was a good thing or not. „Are there still quest-"

     „No, don't worry," I quickly said to reassure him. „My dad sends me, apparently Zach has something for him?"

     „Oh," Stefan said looking relieved, „of course, would you like to come in, while I look for him?"

Stefan opened the door a little wider letting me in.

     „Thank you," I said as I stepped into the hallway of the beautiful mansion. I'd already been here a few times, but it still impressed me.

     „You can wait in the living room," Stefan said pointing to the large room at the end of the corridor. „I'll be right back."

I nodded and strolled to the living room, admiring the beautiful antiques that were scattered across the house. The size of the room took me aback once again, it was something from an other time for sure. The wooden panels on the walls, the antique furniture and emblems, the gallery above... It looked strange and homey all at once.

I turned around to see more of the room, but almost collided with a familiar face.

     „Damon!" I gasped, almost tumbling down, but he reached out and steadied me with a strong grip.

     „Lorraine Tate," he said, my name rolling off his tongue in an almost seductive way, his head tilting to the side, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

Once I was stable again he let go of me, eyeing me curiously, an amused expression on his face.

     „What a lovely surprise, seeing you back here so soon. Are you still looking for my dear brother?"

I could sense a sourness in Damon's words when he mentioned Stefan, but preferred not to voice it for now.

     „No, I saw him yesterday," I answered looking around to the corridor. „I came to see Zach, Stefan is getting him for me right now."

     „Oh!" Damon mouthed, his eyebrows rising up in surprise. „And what can uncle Zach do for a young lady like yourself?"

He stared at me intently. His bright eyes seemed to pierce through me and I couldn't help but to stare back, as his gaze was almost hypnotising.

     „I... I-"

     „Damon!" I could hear Stefan's voice behind me, a hint of scolding in it. Damon looked past me, an annoyed expression in his eyes breaking the ban he had over me.

     „Brother, uncle Zach," he said, his voice sweet. „I was just getting to know dear Lorraine here."

He looked back at me and gave me a small wink. Taking a step back, he grabbed my hand and placed a light kiss on the back of it.

     „It was a pleasure", he whispered before addressing his family members again. „There's something I need to take care of in town, I'll see you tonight."

He walked around me a grabbed a leather jacket, that was lying on a chair and headed out, the door slamming shut behind him.

Stefan took a step towards me, a worried look on his face. „Are you alright?"

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