artist reader X killer mugman (part 1)

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// sorry for not updating that much school is being a jerk and its hell *cough* *cough* mean rough the story can involve mugman being a yanderish..

Readers P.O.V.

Hello i'm Y/N L/N.. i am a simple girl/lad and today i am going to escape my mom and dads nagging again.. i come back from school.. i can already tell that my abusive parents are going HELLA spank me for mah grades.. i walked back to the house and hid my report card under my matress.. i took my earphones and listen to a calming music.. i grabbed my sketchpad and special pencil for shading and sketching. I sat near a window in my room and started drawing.

I sighed and look outside.. it was peaceful.. the sunset's color of red, yellow and orange mixed together in harmony.. and how the clouds look like cotton candy.. i looked at the trees and see their beautiful greenish leaves being enlighten with light of the sun.. it was all peaceful until..



I heard my mother said as the banging of the door got louder and louder.. a chill went down my spines.. i locked the door and putted a chair towards the door.. i was internally panicking my head off.. i took my backpack and packed my charger, phone, earphones, sketchpad and pencil also with flashlights.. food, water and some sanitary things with my clothes.. i opened the window and i was ready to escape..


I heard my father said as the banging was up to the point that it can break the door after one more bang.. i hopped off the window and rushed into the streets running as fast as i can, not looking back, i just kept on running and running.

I went to the city.. i felt so weak so i took a quick break.. i leaned on the wall of a building and tried to catch my breath

"Damn.. i did it.." i said

I look from left to right.. i went to a place that was kinda sheltered.. i held my backpack close to my chest and slept.. i heard some voices but suddenly i fell into a deep slumber

Mugmans P.O.V.

I walked around the streets with cuphead, bored.. welp..  i can't blame myself but it is a boring town... i heard some breathing.. i walked around the corner and saw a girl.. she looked like she's exhausted..

"Hey cuphead.. can we help her?" I asked

". . . Well fine. Just this once.. but she's your responsibility" cuphead said..

A smile made its way across my face.. i picked her up and saw her cute face.. i mentally awed.. my chest feeled weird.. and my stomach is filled with butterflys.. i shook my feelings off and carried the young girl with me as i followed cuphead


I layed down the poor girl on our couch.. i smiled as i cheerfully make food.. after that i heard cuphead asked

"Why are you so cheerful after you brought her along?"

"Well.. it just made me happy" i replied

Cuphead looked at her with that tsundere expression.. then he... blushed? Then he walked away.. u return making more food for the girl.. i finished the last dish and then i went to go to check the girl if she's up.. and there was cuphead.. red-faced as he twirls her hair lovingly.. a painful feeling hitted my chest...

NO... NO HE CAN'T...


A sickenly smile went and made its way on my face... i have a plan.. i walked towards my brother..

"Hey cups.. can.. can we train?" I asked him

"Oh.. now?.. well thats surprising since you usually dont wanna train but yeah sure.." he replied as he stood up and went

We both went to our training area and cuphead had teached me some useful things.. until time comes.. i power up myself.. i channel up my energy and shooted a huge blast.. which penetrated cupheads chest... he spitted out blood as he gripped where i shoted him.

". . Ugh. . Why?.. why did you did that. . . Mugs?" He said weakly...

"I have to protect her from you" i said coldly with a maniac smile

". . . Mugs you have changed. . And i don't like it. .  But. . I forgive you" he said before he took his last breath

I felt guilty and then i realized what i did.. i laughed and laughed.. the guilt washed away and Joy and addiction went to my mind.. that was...  FUN

I took his body and burried it near the forest.. i walked back to our.. i mean ME and that girl's house.. i cheerfuly went in and i saw her awake..

"W-who are you?"

∆[BABQFTIM x reader]∆ ~oneshots DISCOUNTINUED Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang