"No, that's tomorrow." Theo said sarcastically.

"People!" Sage exclaimed "Can you at least pretend to care!?"

Arlene chuckled "Just ramble about Quidditch, insult Snape a few times and he's all yours."

"I already do that." Sage mumbled into the pillow she had stuck her face to and Arlene couldn't help but smile.

Sage removed her face from the pillow "I mean, I never dress to impress, but it's Lee. I've had crush on him since I found out he was in the Muggles at Hogwarts club and was trying to invent a magical radio because he wanted to have a broadcast one day and-"

She was cut off when a pale pink sweatshirt and a blue skirt were thrown at her, hitting her right in the face.

Sage sate up and the two turned to the direction that the clothes were thrown from. And to say they were shocked to see Pansy would be an understatement.

"Hey," she said "I may be 'I want you dead' mean, but I'm not 'spit on your hotdog' evil."

And with that, she turned around and reentered the bathroom, leaving them all surprised.

"Wow," Arlene said "Pansy is really growing up, she didn't even make a purist commen-"

"And make sure you burn it after you're done!" Pansy called out from the bathroom "I don't want it back if you wear it!"

Arlene sighed "Aaand, there it is."

Sage shook her head at Pansy, but she was smiling. The colors looked great on her and she seemed to think it was perfect.

"Thanks Pansy." Sage called out as she left the dorm, already gone when Pansy started making noises of protest.

Unfortunately, everybody started to leave for Hogsmead and excluding first and second years, Arlene was the only Slytherin left behind.

She decided to take a walk around the castle, maybe a fun idea will hit her.

Arlene thought about going outside and practicing, but the thought was shut down as soon as it appeared. It was too cold outside.

Usually, when she had free time, she'd sit down in front of something she found beautiful and draw, but Hermione wasn't there and she had artist's block.

Maybe read that book Hermione lent her? That was a good idea, except for the fact that she had already finished it.

She could always grab her books and notebooks for some early studying? The idea was too funny, she couldn't help but smile.

Thankfully, she didn't have to think about it anymore, as while she was walking the third floor, she was stopped by the twins.

"Arlene!" Fred? Or maybe George? Arlene couldn't tell for the life of her, said

"Just the Slytherin-"

"we were-"



She raised an eyebrow at the twins "What do you want? Are you going to prank me? Is there a bucket of paint above my head?"

She looked around as if actually expecting some sort of trick, but nothing happened.

"Sadly, no," he sighed "but we have great news! George, tell her the good news." Fred said, turning to his brother.

"Come on." George said vaguely and nodded towards a room to their left.

With great suspicion, Arlene followed them.

"Stay here." George said, then turned around and left with his brother.

No Body No Crime □■ Hermione GrangerWhere stories live. Discover now