Wasn't Suppose to Be

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Adams POV

The fact that I'm a cage fighter shouldn't effect the way people feel towards me. I laugh every time a guy look like he's about to shit his pants whenever he sees me. But I hate it. I didn't want to be in the ring. There was an issue with that though; I loose it ever time I'm in the cage. I lose my temper, my anger, the heartache, I let out everything that's in me when I'm in the cage. I can't find a way out of it. Everything seems as if its about to all fall apart...

"Adam! You have 10 minutes!" My Trainer Mark yells from the door.

"Got it!" I yell back with a short chuckle. "Here goes nothin" I mumble to myself.

I stand up from my chair and fasten the straps on my gloves. I took one last look in the mirror and laughed at my face. I had a busted lip that I cleaned and a cut on my right cheek bone.

I put on my black and dark blue robe and put in my mouth guard. I cracked my neck then laughed again at how fucked up the other guy looked before I got pulled off.

I push open the red rusty door and when I take my first step out, cheers   erupt in the small crammed area. I start walking towards the ring and right before I took a step in, someone pulls off my robe. I look up at the dark sky and smile at the bright stars.

"Got this dad" I whispered under my breath then took the last step into the ring.

They closed the ring door when I was all the way in. I took my spot in my corner while my opponent took his also. The Ref stepped up and signaled us to go to the middle of the ring. We did as told.

I put my left fist in front of my face and my right fist bumped with my opponent.

"Are you ready?" he looks at me. I not. "Are you ready?" my opponent nodded. "GO!" he yells stepping to the side.

I put a smirk on my face and my opponent nodded at me. He moved near me as we walked in circles. He through a punch but I dodged it and punched his gut. He groaned but through another at me this time it hit my left shoulder. It sorta hurt. I pulled my fist back and punched him in the nose. He fell back holding his nose which was oozing blood. The Ref came up to him and blew his whistle.

"Time out!" he yelled kneeled down next to him as his trainer made his way up on stage. Mine walked up to me and smiled.

"That was quick." he smirked. I took out my mouth guard and laughed.

"Yeah it was wasn't it?" I chuckled.

"Your dad would be proud of you" he patted my back then walked over to the corner where someone had put a chair. I sat down and started drinking my water.

"Time!" the Ref yelled. I stood up and walked to the middle while Mark took the chair and my water and towl out of the cage. My opponent had a bandage on his nose. I put my mouth guard back in my mouth.

"Are you ready?" I nodded "Are you ready?" my opponent hesitated but nodded. I was trying to not laugh. I busted his nose so back.

When the Ref said go I quickly through a punch at my opponent making him stumble back. The rest of a fight went in kind of a blur. Which happens often.

I felt a pat on my back and it pulled me out of my trance. I shook my head and took my mouth guard out of my mouth and turned around.


It was a damb cop.

"Adam Jinks we need you to come with us" he said.

"Why?" I asked. Why was he even here. This place is hidden and is illegal so why the fuck are they here?

"You just put a guy in the hospital. Why else would you be going with a police officer?" he said. I look around to see people getting arrested and an ambulance parks next to the cage leading my passed out opponent into it.

What the hell?

"But-" I didn't get to finish before the police man turned me around and forced hand cuffs on my wrists. "Hey. I don't know what the hell you talking about. I didn't do that!"

He chuckles "That's what they all say" He pushes me forward still holding onto me. He pushed my head down and into the back of a cop car. He slammed the door shut and got in the passenger seat since there was already another person in the drivers seat.

I look out my window and I see a brunette girl starring at me with a look on her face that seems like... Hurt? Scared? I've never seen her before. Mark came up behind her and she wiped away a tear as the car pulled forward and we drove off.

I sat silent in the car trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Who was that girl. She looked like a teenager. But I didn't know her. At all. I've never seen her face before. But she was beautiful...

Soon we pulled in front of the police station and one of the cops opened my door and grabbed me by the wrists and led me to the entry way.

When we entered we got a bunch of stares. Or at least I did... He took me to a cell that was empty and shoved me in slamming the cell door behind me.

I sat down on a bench and waited for what was gonna happen next.

Nikki's POV

I watched as the police car drove off. I watched as the man who put my father in the back of an ambulance drive away.

"You alright Nikki?" Mark asks me. I had just met him but he was really nice.

"Yeah" I say wiping away the stray tears.

"I'm sorry he did that. I don't know what for into him." he says I smile and walk away. I for into my car and drove to the hospital as fast as I could. I couldn't ride in the ambulance because my mother did and there wasn't enough room.

I pulled up in front and parked my car. As soon as I strode out of my car I booked it into the building and to the front desk.

"For Tim Marlow" I said rushed.

The woman scrolled through her computer and looked back at me."He isn't taking visitors at this time"

I glare at her. "Listen. You let me in thee right now or I swear I will-"

"Are you here to see Mr.Marlow?" A doctor comes out of the back room looking up from his clip board at me.

"Yes" I said eagerly.

"Come with me. We need to talk" he walks down a hallway and I follow him. We reach a small room and walk in. When I get in there my mother is sitting there crying. I run by her side and hug her tight.

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but its my job. Your father didn't make it."

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