Round: 53

238 10 15

Me: NOOOOO!!!!

Bel and Makoto: YEESSHH!!! *break the chain*

Bel: WE'RE FREE!!!

Makoto: FINALLYY!!! *hugs Bel*

Bel: *hugs back*

Me: GASP! THEY'RE HUGGING!!! *snaps a pic*

Makoto and Bel: *realize and quickly stop hugging*

Me: HAHA!!! I HAVE PROOF!!! *waves picture around*

Bel: We must never speak of that again...

Makoto: Agreed... *walks away from him*

Me: Aah... I love my job!

Rikka and Ira: *mutter under their breath* we are probably next...

Me: okay let's start with today's dares!!!


I dare you all to sing and dance to "Plus Boy" from Vocaloid

All: okay..

All: *pant*

Me: And so?

Bel: I've... never...

Makoto: That was...

Ira: H-Hard...

Me: Haha! It's fun to watch you guys suffer!

All: *glare at me*



I dare my favourite Precure to battle my counter part aka my evil side/me (hint: my favourite Precure starts with the letter M, if you don't get it she's purple),
torturing time for Ira and Rikka! I have two dares for them, dare one is to kiss in public and dare two I want them to be locked in a room (not-together) until the round also if they have a dare then they can come out of the room.
My last pretty dare is for them (he he he) I dare all of them to battle to the death and also yeh Precures are gonna fight each other also (I want to there to see the entertaining show) but if @aprildiamondxoxo got in the same round then we might fight or argue so stop us before we destroy the fourth wall this 100th time please

All: *turn to Makoto*

Makoto: Hey! How do you know that it's me!

Me: "starts with the letter M" , "she's purple"

Makoto: Oh..right..

Me: Well I'm assuming that's what he/she means so...

Makoto: Fine..

Evil side: *appears*

Makoto: lets just get this over with...

Evil side: *attacks*

C. Sword: *dodges all attacks*

Alice: Whoa


C. Sword: *punches*

Evil side: *dodges*

Ask or Dare Doki Doki PrecureWhere stories live. Discover now