Part 2

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Ink's POV

We had just found Shadow, but she was with the evil sanses, but she was on the couch with Killer and Cross.

"Shadow, why did you pull us down?" Killer was the one to ask.

"Um, just so that we are out of the way when people start to fight we are out of the way. Oh, and Error moved herself up into the ceiling so that she won't be smacked by those thrashing tentacles." Shadow answered.

The funny thing was that I hadn't even realized that I was being dragged up there by Error's strings.

"Hey, Ink you do realize that you are being pulled up into the ceiling?" Blue asked.

Just as soon as Blue said that I had reached the ceiling and then realized that Fresh who was with us had started yelling at Shadow.


"You won't understand Fresh. Nightmare it's time to go." Shadow replies to Fresh along with saying something to the goopy skeleton.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHADOW?!?" Fresh called out as the evil sanses all dropped into a portal, taking Shadow along with them.

Fresh looked like she was about to scream in frustration, but Epic had come in and hugged her. She ended up crying into his jacket.

Blue's POV

No one except for Shadow had noticed me slip into the portal with them, though funny thing is that Shadow is the only one who knows that I am not really that kind to others. The reason why was because if you touch Dust you are dead though funny thing is that Ink knew to not touch Dust. I suspect that someone told him...maybe Shadow. Dust is my senpai, and no one shall even touch him.

"Yan-berry where were you?" Killer asked knowing that I had slipped in with the rest while they were leaving.

"Oh, you know, getting certain things ready for the next target..." I replied with a bit of honesty. It has been hard without the help of Shadow, Cross, and Killer to get to the places that I need to be. Though I think that Ink suspects that I have an evil version of myself. Now let's see who last touched senpai...Shadow might know who.

"Hey, Shadow, mind if I borrow your memories for a bit?" I asked politely.

"Sure, if you don't mind being in that au...I mean if you don't want people listening in on our discussion..." Shadow sneakily replied.

"You know me too well Shadow." I replied back meaning that she could take us anywhere and I still would trust her judgement. She had a way of making us feel safe around her. Even though she did tend to lie a little bit too much.

Killer's POV

Shadow had a way of watching over us, even if that meant that she'd give up her sanity. Though I happen to know what the ring and two necklaces meant...we aren't really family, but we call each other siblings. You'd be surprised at how many lectures we got when she was angry at us for doing something wrong. The last time I got a lecture was in full view of was quite embarrassing tibia honest. Though if you hurt her she wouldn't have cared, but if you had hurt any of us, it didn't matter what side she was on... she would be in your face in minutes. The last time that happened was when Cross and I nearly got killed by Outer, she was pissed and Nightmare could tell (Dream could tell too) so both of them had to help each other to put a stop to her rage. She tried to rip Outer's head off. She also had been lectured on not trying to kill your teammates... I had a feeling she didn't even listen...

She had good ideas that everyone put up with, but the one who had a bad idea was thrown out of the castle, or at least Shadow's throne room. People are always curious on why she had gotten the castle. The reason why is because she was given it by Chara, Asriel, and Frisk, at least her's; she protected them from a lot of danger. She doesn't show it often but she has a tendency to act emotionless and very cold. I guess that the life she had before her au collapsed was a hard one by keeping track of two humans along with a goat monster. Shadow will not go into extreme detail about those days other than the fact that it left her without a soul, she can still feel though, but no one knows when she will gain a soul. Even if she did it would be too fragile to be doing any of what we tend to do. She knows a lot about Ink's issues, but no one other than her Error and Ink know what had happened to everyone around them when Shadow did whatever she did. It was as if she had made a deal with Error, and Ink on something. No one knows what it is or was... but I can't stop thinking that it was to make people see some other side of things.

Dream's POV

I hadn't realized that while Shadow had disappeared she had left a note in my pocket.

"Hey, Dream... have you seen any of my recent drawings?" Ink had questioned.

"Sorry Ink, but no I haven't seen them anywhere, sorry." I yelled back.

" oh, Dream what's in your pocket?" Outer asked.

Then I realized that I had something in my pocket. It was a small round abject, it was the size of my palm. Though it seemed that it was vibrating. I had teleported to my room knowing that it would be better to explode in my room. Though when I taped its surface I had noticed that it went into the air.

"Hey, Dream, can you hear me?" someone on the other end asked.

"Yeah, though who is this?" I had some suspicion while saying this, but I didn't want to make a scene.

"It's Shadow and little Blue... this is kind of something that I can contact you with to send Blue back over to you. Though just for your information I didn't kidnap Blue. She came over here to set some stuff up for least for some of us who don't care about what is going on in this world. She was...very persistent about this party. If you want to know, Blue has my number for if she needs to come over. Another thing that I need you to do is not tell Ink about this at all. It will hurt him and Fresh to know that we did this type of contacting format." Shadow replies through the ball of shadow... that sounded weird.

Just then after she said that I suddenly noticed that someone was coming through the ball. Just then I saw Blue's head poke out of the ball after it pulled the shadows from my room to make itself bigger.

Blue's POV

Things have changed back to the way it was before, though only a handful of us have the ability to remember that far back. The only other people that I know are Nightmare, Killer, Cross, Shadow, Dream, and a few others that i'm not allowed to mention or else the author might make my character have a very gruesome death... [stop breaking the fourth wall Blue I mean it].The last time we did anything fun was in the Piratetale that Shadow seems to be the most feared, more feared than Nightmare, and isn't getting knocked off of that stage because of the fact that no one can keep their ships as clean as her's. Though it seems that we will be going to that au. The au that no one likes to go to since the aura has the feeling of a lot of death...the au that she once had lived in. It also served as a warning to all those who thought that they could fight her, the people in her au had died before getting a chance to even get close to her. People don't really realize that she has suffered more than she should.

"Blue why do you go in between the evil sanses and the star sanses? why do you act different in front of us but change the way that you act with Shadow?" Dream asks after a while of explanation.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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