Vodka. Neat.

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A/n: This story is from the deep depths of my drafts. I originally started it writing it in like October 2018, but I decided to fix it up and upload it for Addis_Alright because they're my favourite follower and they want Roisa content, so I must deliver. I hope you enjoy <3


It may be a bad idea, but she's full of them, lately. She craves bad ideas. Chases them, hunts them down, and follows their every whim.

She's just going through a phase.

And anyway, what else is a 34-year old recently divorced and recently out of the closet woman supposed to do, other than go to her first lesbian bar by herself, get terribly drunk, and find some random woman to hook up with?

For the first time.

She's 34 and she's never even kissed the type of person she actually wants to kiss. She married young and stupid fresh out of college, having dated her husband since high school, having been so sure that was what she wanted.

Until he touched her, that night after the wedding -their perfect, fairytale wedding- and she was suddenly so sure that he couldn't ever be what she wanted.

She kept that secret so long.

She couldn't keep it any longer.

So Luisa is here now, unfettered from secrets and ready to have the experiences she missed out on for over a decade.

She's just not sure where to begin.

With vodka, probably.

She enters the bar without issue. No one glances at her funny, like she shouldn't here, like she clearly doesn't fit in. No one looks at her at all. It's a Thursday night, crowded enough but not packed, and she finds a spot at the bar without much issue.

The bartender is facing away from her, re-arranging some bottles on the opposite wall. She's tall and wearing overalls, loose and short, but overalls, which is not exactly what Luisa would expect from a bartender.

Then she turns around and Luisa's eyes go instantly to her chest, and she understands the outfit choice. The overalls barely cover her torso at all, and the bartender is wearing a bralette so slinky and lacey it's basically lingerie.

Luisa has no idea how everyone in the world didn't know she was gay. She is so, so gay.

"Ooh, look at you, you beautiful thing. You're new here."

Luisa's eyes jump up, and the bartender is closer, all sparkling blue eyes and the most delicious smirk Luisa ever seen. Her heart stops. She forces herself to remain composed.

"Can I get you anything?"

"I -"

"And I do mean anything." The woman winks, and Luisa feels a little heat creep up her neck. She reminds herself that it's basically this woman's job to flirt with her. She doesn't mean it, she's just angling for tips.

"A vodka. Neat. Top shelf." Luisa responds, keeping her voice level. The bartender arches an eyebrow, but nods.

"Alright. I like a woman who knows what she wants." She flashes a grin and then goes back to her bottles, red curls bouncing.

Luisa is utterly out of her depths here. She's not about to make that obvious, however. When the bartender returns with her drink she accepts it, and doesn't so much as flinch when the woman deliberately brushes their fingers together exchanging the glass.

"Don't you need my card?" Luisa asks.

"This one's on the house. Consider it a little welcoming gift."

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