Part 6

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Lucia's P.O.V.

"Lucia stop freaking out you're going to do great" Taylor assured me putting a comforting hand on my shoulder leading me through the hallways.
"Yea you're totally gonna kill it" kaycee said
"Just stop freaking out, you've got this" Taylor said with reassurance as we walked outside. It was Thursday afternoon, a hot one I may add. I was currently freaking out about gymnastics tryouts this afternoon. Taylor and Kaycee hauled me all the way to Kaycee's car where Kylie was sitting in the drivers seat.
"Ready to go kill it at tryouts?" Said Kylie
"As ready as I'll ever be" i mumbled
"Now thats the spirit" she said sarcastically
I rolled my eyes as we pulled away from the school.

"I really don't think this is a good idea, i mean what if I mess up, what if they all hate me?" I said frantically
"They're not gonna hate you and you're going to do great now hurry up and get your but in there or you're going to be late"
Before I knew it I was being pushed out of the car.
"Wait guys-" i tried yelling but they were already pulling away.
Okay Lucia you can do this. You got this. I took a deep breath and walked in. I checked in at the desk and walked to the locker room.
I quickly got changed and walked out onto the blue mat. I could feel eyes on me as I walked in. I could just imagine the thoughts running through their minds. I Sat down to stretch.
"Thats the new girl" one girl whispered to her friends pointing at me.
The girl next to her scoffed "looks like we've got an amateur on our hands" she rolled her eyes and laughed with her friends. I shook it off.
"Hello girls. I'm Coach Scoff but you can call me Jen."  She was a petite woman probably fresh out of college with Dark brown hair that fell at her shoulders in loose waves."Welcome to gymnastic tryouts for the season!"
That statement awarded a few applauds.
"Okay lets get started" she said enthusiastically.
"Thank you all for coming out today. The team list will probably be out by next Friday."
I thanked Jen and walked into the locker room to change out of my leotard.
"Hey you're the new girl right? The one staying with Josh's family?" Some girl with straight black hair and dark brown eyes questioned.
"Yeah" i replied skeptical
"I'm Marissa" she said holding out a hand for me to shake
"I'm Lucia"
"It's so brave or you to try out for the team this year as a beginner. Must be hard jumping in right now, do you think you'll be able to keep up?" She asked.
"I think I'll be able to handle it" i said packing up my bag
"We'll see about that" she said her lips forming perfectly into a smirk. "See ya around, Lucia"


"So how was tryouts yesterday?" Kaycee said leaning against the locker next to mine.
"Well they were good, except one of the girls is a total bitch" i replied groaning shutting my locker.
"Marissa" I scowled.
"Marissa Arlington? Brown straight hair?"
"Yeah thats her, you know her?"
"Do I know her? oh honey everyone in this school knows her. That girl has been the heartthrob of the school. Breaking hearts left and right"
"I heard a rumor that she lost her virginity last year"
"Yeah she's pretty much the shit around here, her parents own some big jumbo company so she's filthy rich" Taylor said rolling her eyes
"And she always gets what she wants, including any guy she wants because no guy in their right mind would turn Marissa Arlington down"
"Well anyways she was an asshole yesterday at tryouts" i said starting my way to english
"Sounds like Marissa"
"I'll see you guys at lunch?"
"Yea see you later Lucia"


English and Social studies was beyond boring. As was math but I took a "bathroom break" to save myself from the "exhilarating ideas of geometry". Not the sarcasm. I was about to flush when I heard to people enter the bathroom. At first I didn't think anything out of the usual was going on, but it was anything but that. It was clear to me now that it was two people making out, i could hear when their kisses broke and when they began again. They obviously thought they were alone. I peeked through the crack of the door.

Holy shit.

The Exchange Student/ Josh BeauchampWhere stories live. Discover now