it was you

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I told you never to go but you did anyways and look at you now begging to stay with me again. Well sorry but this time I cant let you. I gave my life to you and look what you did. You left me rot in this prison of humanity.

Leave me be. I dont need you anymore, like you didn't need me anymore. I loved you and only you, but nothing I did made you happy enough. So for once feel my pain as I leave you. I let you rot. You broke everything, stole, and cheated.

How am I supposed to let come back after all that?

I just wanted to live in peace. Be with you, but your words tore me and ripped me apart like every piece of paper after being used for to long.

I changed after you left and then you came back, so why? What was your point in doing so? Did you finally notice you made a mistake? If so then it's to late.

I know we're both so young but we could have lasted. Stayed together till the end of the earth.

I need help in desperate times but you were somewhere else. Flirting with other people thinking you were the king of the world. As I rotted in hell.

So please tell me one simple thing if you can.



So like this is crazy because this was about in guy I liked in 2nd grade. Damn baby kaz wtf was wrong with you. I added a few words like hell because as I was writing it, it didn't feel like me so I just added that. Seriously baby kaz had some crazy ass problems. But I mean look at me now. It hasn't changed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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