I looked at my phone, it was already noon. I guess I'm not going to school today. I wonder if Goldie and Peter ended up going to school.

I got off the floor and started wandering around. I could check if Goldie was up and if she had ended up leaving. I headed toward the stairs so I could find Goldie. But of course I had to be stopped by a voice coming from the kitchen.

"Yo." Peter said while sitting at the table. "Someone slept in. I'm making pasta for lunch if you want some."

"What happened last night?" I asked.

"You mean other then you making a fool of yourself while drunk and telling me your biggest secret? Nothing much."

"What. The. Hell. Happened?" I asked. I was losing my patience. I had so many stupid secrets, which one did I tell him? That I'm poor? Who I like? About my mom? Maybe even my powers? I was going to make him spill what happened.

"Basically, we cleaned up, a few of the popular kids for stayed for a bit, you got drunk and pissed them off so they left, then you started talking about the "power of imagination", I said you were lying, you got made and started making things come out of thin air and attacked me with them, eventually you passed out, and I left you on the couch to sleep. Goldie left for school hours ago. And I stayed because I was to tired and to make sure you wouldn't blow up her house. Good enough for you?" He looked slightly tired and cranky. "You also broke my glasses."

I'm dead. I freaking attacked him with my power. He was going to sue me and tattle on me to the cops. "So... you're pissed because I broke your glasses? You weren't even wearing glasses!"

"I keep them in my pocket, they fell out of and you crushed them, but I have another pair at home. I just can't read anything until I get the new pair." He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. I must have caused him a lot of trouble last night. "Also, what's with the magic powers? Please explain?"

I suppose I owed him an explanation. "I have the power of imagination. If I can imagine something. I can make it appear, temporarily or permanently. Don't think about ratting me out to anyone or else I'll kill you."

"Got it." He gave me the thumbs up and walked over to the pot of pasta cooking over the stove.

I thought about what happened last night. It wasn't very fair. I told him a secret about myself. He should tell me something about him.

"Hey." I said as an attempt to grab his attention.

"What do you need?" Peter asked. He turned off the stove and turned toward me. He just barely dodged the pair of glasses I threw at his head when he wasn't looking. "WHAT THE HECK!?" He shouted after dodging my attack.

"I told you one of my secrets. You have to tell me one of yours." I ordered.

"You can't tell anyone what I tell you then." He said quietly.

I sat down at the kitchen table and rested my head on my hands. "I'm ready when you are." I said.

"Where should I start off?" He asked.

"What do you want me to know?" I asked

"I kinda want to be your friend..." Peter mumbled.

Of course he wanted to be my friend. If he was friends with me, by default, he would be friends with Goldie.

"So I'll tell you something about me that I've never told anyone before, that way we can be close friends." He finished.

"You sure are putting a lot of trust in me. What's stopping me from running around the whole school and telling everyone your secret?" I joked.

"You don't strike me as the kind of person who has the bravery to do that. Your the quiet kid in class. You never talk to anyone, I was surprised that you talked at all!"

I glared at him. I hated being called "the quiet kid" or "the shy one". If I didn't talk to you, it meant I didn't like you. "Can you just tell me your secret already. I'm getting bored."

Peter sighed and started telling me his story. "When I was in middle school, I was known as the nerd. I had really good grades, I made the chess team each year, and I got bullied."

"Is this an excuse to brag about how smart you were in middle school?" I interrupted.

"Not at all. Don't interrupt my story, it's rude," he paused for a moment and then continued. "People called me a loser and a nerd all the time. I was the opposite of ordinary, and I was never accepted."

Peter looked down for a moment. He looked a little sad. It was hard to imagine that the kid who (tried to) hangout with the cool kids was bullied for being smart.

"When I went to highschool I was determined to fit in. I quit the chess club, I let my grades drop, and I started to work out more. Finally I was accepted, my final goal is to be one of the cool kids. I'm still not sure how, but I'll get there eventually. All I want is to be accepted, and I'll stop at nothing to get there." He stopped and looked at me for approval.

"Welp, that was a sob story," I joked. "How is that a secret? I'm sure people remember you from middle school."

"Not at all. I used to live in Michigan before I moved to Brampton. My family moved the summer before grade 9, so it was easy to start fresh."

"And you don't want people to know you were a nerd?"

"If people knew I was a nerd, they would never accept me. I have to keep it hidden. I still kinda am a nerd though. I hate wearing contacts so I carry a pair of glasses in my back pocket just in case I need them to read, I study, but I try to barely pass tests on purpose, and I've always been a bookworm. I'm a nerd on the inside and the cool kid on the outside I guess."

"I'll keep my secret if you keep mine, ok?" I replied.

He nodded and went to pick up the broken glasses I through at him. I watched him throw the pieces out and returned to cooking the pasta.

I felt a small tingle of guilt. I knew what it was like to feel like the odd one out and to be called a loser and a geek. Maybe I could make it up to him for teasing and threatening him before.

"Don't forget these." I said as I placed down a new pair of glasses and left the kitchen.

He looked at them and smiled before slipping them on.

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