Chapter 6

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Goldie walked into the washroom looking really tipsy. She stared at the ever growing stacks of cards.

Damn it! I snapped my fingers and all the cards disappeared. I fell to the ground with a huge migraine. I held my head in pain as Goldie stood at the doorway with a shocked expression on her face.

"Goldie, you need to get to bed. You're way too drunk to be up." I told her weakly as I lay on the bathroom floor holding my head.

She stared at me for a moment, mumbled something to herself, and then asked me a question. "Did you see papers here? Or did I just see it only?"

"I have no clue what your talking about..." I flinched in pain, then continued to explain. "You really should got to bed. You must be really drunk if you imagined something like that."

She looked at me for a moment and nodded. "Oki, whatever you say Jazzy Wazzy." She waddled off to her bedroom and left me on the floor.

I layed there for a moment trying to regain my breathe. Hopefully she's too drunk to remember anything about tonight. I waited there for a minute before standing and heading downstairs.

More then half the party had left. The rest of the people there were either to stubborn or to wasted to leave. I started looking around for Peter to see what how he was doing.

Peter was in the kitchen trying to convince a girl from my gym class to leave the party.

"The party is over, you need to leave. Go have fun somewhere else." He tried to explain to her.

"You know I only want to have fun with you." She smiled and tried to grab Peter's arm. He pulled away before she could get her claws on him.

"Jasmine," He looked at me and smirked, "Call the cops for me, some of these guests are to stubborn to leave and I think if they stay any longer, they'll be illegally trespassing."

The girl looked really pissed and gave me a death stare. "Fine. Your not that cute anyway." She stormed off and grabbed a few of her friends on the way out.

We watched her leave. A few people had overheard Peter's conversation with her and quickly left before the cops showed up.

"Did you actually call the cops?" I asked.

"Nah. It's just a trick to get everyone to leave. Goldie would probably get in trouble if the cops came anyway."

"Was that girl trying to flirt with you?"

"I think so. That was the third girl tonight. I must be really handsome tonight."

I laughed and shrugged. "No, not really. You look like the average dude."

"I think your the first girl to ever say that. Your not a lesbian or asexual or something, are you?" He joked.

I playfully shoved him. "Manners! I'm not any of those. I'm actually bisexual, so I'm an expert on both genders. And I say you are not that cute."

"I'll take your word for it. How's Goldie doing?"

"She's sleeping."

He looked around him, "You wanna help me clear the rest of this place out?"

I nodded and we got to work asking people to leave and we cleaning up the mess we passed. Maybe the party wasn't that bad after all. I mean it was bad. But not as bad as I suspected. I even managed to make a new friend. As long as he didn't try to hurt Goldie, we were good. If he did end up dating her though... I'd have to keep my mouth shut and my secrets close.


I woke up on a Tuesday morning by hitting my face hard on the floor.

What the hell? Where am I? I looked around me. I was laying on the floor of someone else's living room. I had fallen off a couch. I couldn't remember much about the party, I made a friend, Goldie got drunk, she caught me using magic, I talked to Peter, I cleaned up, one of the popular boys started talking to Peter, he offered me a few drinks, the popular dude left, and I talked to Peter. I don't remember much else. I must have spent the night here though.

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