Raindrops on the windowsill

ابدأ من البداية

Natalie looked the exact same, as she did the last time they talked which ended with her slamming the door on his face

He missed her, not the void vessel he was talking to earlier.

Kai knew she went through a tough time, but he felt hurt by the girl's actions towards him even when he tried to help her.

The old Natalie would throw her arms around him and ask for forgiveness.

But this was the new Natalie, and to Kai she seemed incredibly different.

Kai was too scared to speak up on the matter, because her sisters death was a sensitive subject.

Kai wanted to go back to the old days, when they used to sit against the sycamore tree and share headphones.

Queen blared through their ears and they occasionally, fought over the headphones.

He missed the summer sun beaming down on them and making them sweat profusely.

He missed the touch of someone else, and not having to worry about siphoning power from them.

He missed the comfort of another, someone who dropped everything to make sure he was okay.

He missed her.

He was alone, with his abusive dad and family.

They treated him like a black sheep, and constantly shamed him for something he couldn't control.

They locked him in his room and had fun, excluding him from anything that could cause physical touch.

He missed the comfort and touch of Natalie Whitmore.


Natalie was just rounding the corner, after stopping at her huge locker.

She was heading to history class and had her textbooks stacked neatly in her hands.

The girl was met with the body of another, and her textbooks quickly tumbled to the ground.

" oh gosh, I'm so sorry," Natalie began to say without looking up and started grabbing her textbooks.

" I should be sorry," a voice rang out that sounded sweet and kind.

She looked at the source of the voice and was met with a brunette who had dark blue eyes that entranced her, immediately.

" oh, you're alright, thank you so much..?" She trailed off waiting for the response of the mysterious boy.

Kai was utterly shocked and confused.

Why was she being nice to him?

" Malachai Parker," he managed to barely croak out of his throat.

She was incredibly beautiful, and it amazed him.

Her forest green eyes was the thing that reached out to him the most.

Besides, her beautiful chestnut brown hair and sun tanned skin with the most beautiful freckles he'd seen.

Her forest green eyes drew him to her.

" oh, well Malachai, I'm Natalie Whitmore," she said while testing his name on her tongue.

" I've gotta get to history, see you sometime soon," she gave him a soft smile and began to trail off to her class.

He almost fell in love at first sight, he needed her.


In hopes of seeing each other again, they both decided to head to the arcade the next day.

At that point, the feelings came rushing back to them at full speed and had no intent of stopping anytime soon.

For once, Natalie Whitmore felt something other than dread, in a while.

For once, Malachai Parker felt love for something other than magic.

Were they absolutely and undeniably in love?

Or was it them being in love with the feeling of having someone?


Author's Note

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you'll enjoy the many more adventures of Natalie and Kai to come.

I've worked really hard on the very few chapters that you've received, but I plan to do so much more with these characters.

I plan for the audience to learn much more about Kai, like stuff that wasn't spoken about on tvd.

I hope I'll give this character much more justice, than he was given on tvd.

In this chapter there was approximately, 900 words.

Well, not counting the author's Note.

Enjoy the rest of the book and the rest of your day.


MON AMOUR •KAI PARKER• حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن