Wrote this just for you

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Dear whoever you may be,
I want you to know that I see
How you feel and peel and rip and tear
I feel you, and I want you to see

Oh, I wrote this just for you
I know you may need me too
So I brought this up, to show you love
How much I care of you, oh oh

You are beautiful, now matter what they say
I need you here another day
Even though it may not have seemed a good day
I want you to breathe, you'll be okay

Oh, I wrote this just for you
I know you may need me too
So I brought this up to show you love
How much I care of you, ooh ooh

To those who may be scared to see
Your imperfections, that may be
I've been there too, you've been through hell
And I want you to know you're beautiful

I see you, all
Whatever it may be
I feel this song, and I hope you see
That you are loved, and meant to be

(don't know who this is, it's supposed to be positive?? comments pls)

Holding On To You- Original Song LyricsWhere stories live. Discover now