what's in the egg

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It was a sunny day on a farm, there was a man with his wife and they both own the animals together. There are 31 animals, there are 6 pups, 4 chickens, 2 cows, 9 pigs 7 sheep's 1 llama and 2 crocodile. There is one thing Thomas has always wanted to try and do just like Susan and it is to breed the crocodile and the chickens together. So they have done it for 6 years and nothing has ever happened. today (June 19th 2018) Tomas went on a website called eBay to look for food that you can buy to make the bread and it only took him 20 minutes to find the food he didn't really care how much it cost because he's got £1.2million in his bank because they won the lottery 2 years ago and that is how they managed to get the farm as well as the Lamborghini and the porch. It is 9 pm and Susan is feeding the new food to the crocodile and the chicken the food is called breed controller so now Susan has finished feeding the animals she goes in and has biscuit and tea with Thomas and watches TV until 11 pm because that's when they go to bed.

It is now 7am in the morning Susan has woken up early and made Thomas breakfast ready to show him a surprise she went up stairs with some toast and tea underneath the magnificent cup of tea was a picture a picture that sent Thomas really emotional it was ...

it was a picture of the the egg that belongs to the chicken witch is called Annabelle and the crocodile named toby. and because today (June 20th 2018) was the day the egg was brought on to earth there are still 9 months until the egg hatches. this is the point where toby will be getting nerves so he will be getting very aggressive. the next day toby had calmed down but is getting old and he trying to stay strong for when his son or daughter is born

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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