Ronda went off to her locker room, while Liv and Dean went off to catering, leaving Lexi and Josh alone, with his match next.

Josh: I'm up next, babe.

Lexi: No matter what happens out there, me and this little one love you. I'll be watching with the gang. Now, go knock them dead.

Josh: I will babe, don't you worry.

They kissed before Lexi went off to catering to join Bayley, Sasha, Liv and the others.

25 minutes later...

Michael: Sister Abigail to Stevens!

Ref: 1...2...3!

Corey: New champion!

Jojo: Here is your winner... and NEW Intercontinental Champion, Bray Wyatt!!!

Josh just laid there on the mat, as Bray grabbed the title and just kneeled next to Josh's limp body, laughing as the arena went dark. Josh then rolled out of the ring and limped backstage, with an injury to his left leg. When he got there, Lexi and the gang were there to give him a group hug.

Josh: Jeez, my leg kills... Might have overdone it when I jumped from the top...

Lexi: Come on, let's take you to the trainer. 

Josh gave hugs and high fives to everyone else, as Lexi helped him to the trainer's room. When they got there, Josh laid down on the table, and Lexi grabbed his hand and held it as the trainer examined his leg. He groaned slightly as he felt a sharp pain in his left knee.

Trainer: Okay, from the looks of things, you have a twisted knee. Nothing too serious, but just don't put too much pressure on your left leg.

Josh: Okay, thanks for that.

Lexi: Come on, you... let's get you home.

Josh chuckled slightly as Lexi helped him walk and she drove back to their house.

Lexi: You just get some rest, mister.

Josh smiled as Lexi laid him down on the bed, while Lexi went to get something to eat for the both of them. Whilst she was doing that, Josh made a statement to his fans.

josh_s.32: So, the good news and bad news. The good news is the injury I sustained in my match with Bray is not that serious, and I should be up and running in a few days. The bad news is I won't be returning for a while. I'm going to be taking time off to be with my girlfriend and help her through her pregnancy. I hope all of our fans appreciate this decision, and don't worry guys... we will be back soon.

wwerollins: Respect your decision, bro. Me and my missus will be here for you guys, only a call away if you need anything.

beckylynchwwe: Love both of you, still can't believe there'll be a little one coming soon!

sashabankswwe: This baby is gonna have a LEGIT auntie, gonna miss you both!

itsmebayley: You two are just the cutest! Couple goals is proven in one picture with you guys! And add the baby, it's gonna be one big happy family!

Josh smiled at the responses he received from fellow wrestlers, as well as his and Lexi's fans. Lexi then came back with a bowl of popcorn, some crisps, and some strawberries and pineapple, along with... 

Josh: What you got there? Diet coke, crisps, popcorn, strawberries, pineapple and... prawns with seafood sauce? Where'd you get them from?

Lexi: I had some going spare, why do you ask?

Josh: Cos I love prawns!

Lexi: Well, so do I at the moment...

Josh: Oh, is this your cravings kicking in?

Lexi: You bet!

They got Netflix on Lexi's massive TV, and watched Wall-E, one of Josh's favourite Disney films.

Lexi: So, didn't take you for a Disney fan...

Josh: Oh yeah! I like The Lion King, The Incredibles, hell, even Frozen!

Lexi: I love Frozen, I've always loved Olaf, as well as that crazy reindeer, Sven!

Josh: I can see a bit of both Elsa and Anna in you...

Lexi: Well, if I'm Anna, then you're definitely my Kristof!

As soon as Wall-E finished, Josh put on Frozen, and he put a hand on Lexi's stomach, with Lexi putting her hand on top.

Lexi: I know I've asked you this a million times, but I just wanna be certain. Are you sure about staying home with me whilst I'm pregnant?

Josh: Well, I just think that to prove I'll be a good dad, I wanna be here for both you and our little one before, during and after the birth. I wanna see it grow up into someone special. So the answer is yes, I'm 100% sure.

Lexi welled up slightly as she fed Josh a bit of pineapple, then sat back, snuggled up and watched the rest of Frozen together. After an hour, Josh then was asleep, and Lexi smiled and kissed his cheek as she kept hold of Josh's hand on her stomach, and continuously rubbed it. She whispered to her stomach, while trying not to wake up Josh.

Lexi: You're gonna be so special to us, little one...

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