locked your doors at night

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 I wasn't creeped out but I was more or less convinced that I was going die.

Here's a little bit of back story, this happened a few years ago while I was living with my older brother and younger sister. As much as I love my brother he's made some pretty poor choices with the women he's dated. This woman in particular was a particular brand of crazy.

He started dating this woman Sandra and initially was very happy with the relationship and I was happy for him. For some reason Sandra hated me. I was always more of a silent observer. They moved in together while he was living with my sister. She started imposing weird rules for example if she didn't like a particular food it wasn't allowed in the house, whatever fine.

It started getting weird when she started becoming really jealous of my siblings relationship. If they were to speak without her present she believed that they were talking about her. My sister would borrow his sweaters or clothing when she was hanging out around the house and as a result she became convinced that they were carrying on an incestuous relationship. My sister couldn't handle it anymore and moved back in with my mom.

Eventually they broke up and she moved out. My lease was ending and he convinced me to move into the townhouse. I did and my sister came back as well. At this point they had a child together and she was tormenting him. Threatening to keep him away from his son. Saying that she would call the police on him. Just constant phone calls, constant harassment, threatening him if he didn't comply with what she wanted.

About six months into my living there I hadn't spoken to her in maybe 3 or 4 months. I went out with a mutual friend of ours and while we were out my sister and her friend were calling me complaining that my brother was drunk and bothering them. They decided to leave for the night.

Normally her leaving wouldn't be an issue but on this particular night I pleaded with her to come home. I need to stress that this was completely out of character. She agreed and we picked them up on our way home. I lectured my brother and went upstairs to sleep. My sister was watching a movie and fell asleep in my room.

Now our house had kind of an open door policy. Friends were always over the door was rarely if ever locked day or night. It was never an issue until this particular night...

My sister and I were asleep and out of nowhere my bedroom light turns on and Sandra is standing there with a knife (that she had brought from home). The next thing I know my sister has thrown herself over me and is holding onto her arms and my brother has her from behind. I know they talk about fight or flight but I was neither. I just froze like a damn statue terrified of making any sudden movements.

I was sleeping under a duvet and the only thing that I could think to do was slowly curl my legs under my body and pull my blanket up. My sister is screaming at the top of her lungs trying to reason with her. I just remember her telling my sister not to worry that she wasn't there for her that she came to kill me. Essentially assuring her that my life was the only one in danger as if that was somehow going to make it better. I was strangely calm throughout telling my sister not to worry it was insane.

There was a brief moment where she managed to get free and started wildly stabbing the bed where my legs had been minutes prior. At this point my hand just reached out, almost instinctively, to grab the knife and I got the blade. She took this opportunity to squeeze and I mean squeeze my hand over the blade with a ninja grip I couldn't let go.

Eventually I managed to get free and all that I remember is my sister screaming at me to run over and over. I guess they had controlled her in that moment. I run through the house bleeding everywhere and make it to my brothers room. Where the gravity of the situation hits me like a ton of bricks and I just start screaming at the top of my lungs. I composed myself enough to call 911 where I start screaming at the dispatcher that I'm going to be murdered over and over.

The next thing I know there's banging at the bedroom door. My sister later told me that she had taken the knife and threw it behind the bed. Sandra went downstairs and found another one and hid it in her pants under her shirt. She comes back and her voice has changed and I hear her say, "hey [my name] come out I just want to talk to you" telling my sister that she's not going to hurt me, my sister at this point sees the hidden knife.

Sandra then starts screaming that she knows where I work, that she knows where I go to school and that if I don't come out she's going find me one of theses days and finish what she's started. Then loud banging on the door ensues.

I take this as my cue to create a bit more space and run into the bathroom in the bedroom and lock that door. My sisters friend who was in the room the whole time comes into the bathroom with me. I have no recollection of this but apparently I tried to stick my hand in the toilet to clean off the blood completely out of my mind. I was still on the phone with the 911 dispatch when I hear "POLICE". The police took her and knocked on the door and I let them in and fell into a heap on the floor absolutely hysterical.

Throughout this whole ordeal the one thing that stuck out to me was the fact that I was sleeping. There's something about being woken up like that, that scars you. Especially when it's an unprovoked attack. To this day I have a near impossible time sleeping alone in the house and I always have a knife beside my bed.

It's not much out of fear that she will return as it that I came to the realization that anything is possible. If you look at someone the wrong way or upset them without realizing, what's to say that they won't find out where you live and try to stab you to death in your sleep.

I'm absolutely certain that my sister saved my life and I'm so glad that I told her to come home that night. If I had been sleeping alone I might not be here to tell this story. I've definitely learned to lock the door and that people are capable of some crazy things.

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