Chapter 8: Auditore vs. Murphy Contract Signing

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Murphy and I were in the ring across from the table and GM Kurt Angle gave us the contract to sign with Alexa by my side. Murphy signed his name and then I signed my name making the match official. Murphy got on the mic:

Murphy: you have two things that belong to me mate. It's that title around your shoulder and my ex-girlfriend.

Alex: Alexa doesn't deserve a guy like you. You nearly hit her during my first night on Raw and I had to put a stop to your wickedness.

Alexa smiled.

Alex: you were going to hit a lady? That means you have nothing hanging between those trunks of yours. She's not your property and you never gave her the respect she deserves.

The crowd reacted with "Oohh!"

Murphy then proceeded to hit me with his finisher and Kurt orders him to leave.

Murphy: I'll see you at SummerSlam and I'm taking that title and Alexa back.

I recovered from his cheap shot and raised my title high and Alexa joined in and kissed me.

(Next week on Raw)

Cole: AKO to Elias!




Graves: Auditore win-Wait a minute it's Murphy! He's attacking the champion.

I countered his finisher and we were trading punches and I pushed Murphy to the corner. Kurt orders the locker room to separate us. The crowd chanted "let them fight!" I broke free and I connected punches to Murphy and I was pulled back. Then Murphy connected a few punches before the locker room held him back and finally got him out of the ring.

Graves: this rivalry is getting personal between these two and it will explode at SummerSlam

Finn and Seth held me back while the girls came to the ring. We walked backstage and processed what happened.

Seth: this is getting personal

Finn: you're not fighting only for your title, but for Alexa

Alexa: babe, you must win that match, so this whole thing with Murphy is over.

I gave Alexa a kiss on her forehead and told her

Alex: don't worry babe, this will all end at SummerSlam.

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