part 20

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Hi guys Last two three parts I was getting good responce atleast it was 30+ so I was ok with it and was posting new parts fastly but in the last part again there is law responce but I'm posting it because I want to complete this story soon. Anyway lets start with this part hope you will like this one.

"Scene starts from parinita and adarsh going some where in their car."

"Parinita:adarsh where are we going? You didn't said me anything before leaving home you said just to come with you. She asked being confused."

"Adarsh:parinita you only said na that we can get to know about that blackmailer through his number so we have to trace his number right. So we are going at one of my friends home as he is expert in all this. He will not only trace his number but will give every information about him. He said and there was some relief on their faces" 

"Other side raglak was also in car. Ragini was also confused as laksh didn't said her where they are going. She thought they will go to mm or parinita's house to follow parish but the way was nor mm's nor parinitas house. She finally thought to ask him as till now she didn't spoke to him to maintain her anger"

"Ragini:laksh where are we going.? She asked but was not looking at him. He heard her but acted like didn't heard and was driving silently just to get her attention and that happend she looked at him but with frown as he didn't answerd her"

"Ragini:laksh I'm asking you something. She said with anger and he looked at her"

"Laksh:oh you were talking to me. I thought you are talking to the mirror as you were looking at it na. He said innocently supreesing his laugh and she glared him"

"Laksh:ok ok don't get angry. We are going at the place where parish will be. He said making her confused"

"Laksh:i mean to say that adarsh one of friend is expert in phone and computers knowledge. So I'm sure he would have gone there only to get information about me through the number. He said understanding her confusion for which she just nodded and looked out of window and he pouted as she was still showing her anger"

"Scene shifts to a small house where a car stopped infront of the house. Parish came out of the car"

"Just then raglak also reached there. Laksh parked the car at the side of the road little bit far from adarsh car. Raglak came out of car and with slow steps came towards the house. They hide behind a tree which was infront of the house. They can see parish from there"

"Adarsh:it's my friends house. Let's go he will help us for sure. He said and they started going inside the house"

"Raglak was standing behind the tree like first ragini and behind her laksh. Ragini was looking at parish but laksh's all attention was only on his wife. He was staring her. He want her to talk with him but she was all silent. He poked her shoulder with his finger two three times but she didn't gave any heed to him. He pout at that. Suddenly her eyes fall on her waist which was visible. He looked at her and smiled naughtily then slowly slides his hand on her waist. She got shock and widen her eyes. She tried to push him but he didn't left her. She then hit her elbow on his stomach and he left her winching in pain. She then turned towards him with angry glare while he looked at her placing his hand on his stomach"

"Ragini:laksh we are here for some important work and you are behaving like this. She shouts and he immediately closed her mouth with his palm in that process they were standing very close as laksh was holding her waist and her hands were placed on his chest"

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