The day I felt like Dying

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The Day I Felt Like Dying . // Lolena Chapter one .

Selena Gomez

Logan Lerman

Nick Jonas

Miley Cyrus

Demi Lovato

Jennifer Anniston

Joe Jonas

Kevin Jonas

Well , let me start with my life . Here it goes . *breathes in*

Jennifer: Selena , wake up , Demi's here !

Selena : *groans* mmmmkkkaaaayyyy !

well , okay , maybe half of it . Im Selena , Selena Gomez . I live with my mom's bestfriend . Jen . She took care of me since i was , six

after mom died. . But , she never fail to tell me stuff i dont know about mom . I love her like my sister .

And now , we go to the other side of my life . For starters , Demi , my bestfriend , i love her to death !

and now , Logan . A normal , sweet , sensitive boy . I love him . sooo much (:

And here comes NILEY . Nick and Miley . firstly , i love dating nick but i surrendered him

with the best , Miley , she is the cheer captain . President of the drama club . Best voice you can ever here in your whole entire life living

the prettiest too .

Now , my life starts , shower , put on some clothes , and here we go . Its a sunday , and Demi and I plan to go to the mall .

Selena : Kay , see you Jen .

Jennifer : Alright Selly , but dont go home too late . Its a school night.

Selena : Okay Okay . Bye ! *shuts door* phew , sorry . should we go ?

Demi : Hop on in

*drives off to the mall*

*they arrive*

Selena : well , what should we do here ?

Demi : the usual ? Bon'e Cafe' ?

Selena : Sounds good .

*they both went to Bon'e Cafe'*

Selena : *sits and looks at the menu* Damn , Caramel Frappe , out of stock ? hmmm , Vanilla Choco then . Dems ?

Demi : i'll choose the normal , Frappe ChocoLoco .

Selena : okay , *to the waiter* Can we have one Vanilla Choco and Frappe ChocoLoco ,please?

Waiter : Sure . Hold on , and your drinks would be ready .

Selena : Thank you .

*suddenly they saw Logan and his friends going into the mall through the transparent glass , Logan seemed not to notice .*

Selena : *gasp* Demi , its Logan !

Demi : want me to call him here ?

Selena : No silly ! are you crazy ?!

Demi : 60 percent no , 40 percent yes .

Selena : *rolls eyes* you and your percents ! pay the bill with your cents then !

Demi : okay , sure , means your out of cents huh ?

Selena : Shutup .

Waiter:* came with their drinks* Here you go , miss ?

Selena : *looking out of the window , not paying attention*

Waiter : Miss ?

Demi :*hits Selena*

Selena: owwww ... *looks up at the waiter* oh geez , im so sorry . *glares at Demi*

Demi : What ?!

Selena : you said you were gonna pay .

Demi : im out of cents !

Selena : *rolls eyes* how much is it ?

Waiter : 6.75 miss .

Selena: *gives* thank you .

Waiter : pleasure , please come again .

Selena : *glares at Demi*

Demi : fine , im out of cents okay !

Selena : well look who's talking .

* both of them walked around the mall till 6pm . Demi dropped off Selena and then , selena straight went online , and saw that logan was online too *

Selena : EEEEEEPPPPPPPPP ! He's online !

*their convo*

xoxoSelly : Hey (:

LoganGuy : Oh hey , Sel .

xoxoSelly : uhm , i saw you at the mall today .

LoganGuy : really ? why didnt you text ?

*Selena thought of what Demi requested and snapped out*

xoxoSelly : I forgot to bring my cellphone . SORRY .

LoganGuy : oh , its okay ,

*Logan was thinking , wheter Selena is lying to him or not . He likes her too .*

LoganGuy : Well , i gotta finish my art project , see you tomorrow then . Bye .

xoxoSelly : See you .

*selena offlined and sighed*

Selena: Logan ? how am i suppose to confess my love to you ?! Im scared . UGH . damn fate . *lays on the bed thinking of Logan and then she slept.*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2010 ⏰

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