Tania looked out of the window, to see an old, shabby house that looked like it could collapse every moment. On the roof stood the words "Mystery shack".

"That's your house?", Tania asked a bit concerned.

"Yes, a piece of art, I know! You don't need to tell me that!", Stan said as he got out of the car. "Now hurry up, I ain't got all day!"

The girl quickly got out, and took the bags Stan was giving her. Then they started walking to the shack.

"I hope you have experience lyi- I mean... Presenting things! That'll be vital for your job."

"Job?", Tania asked, getting anxious; nobody told her that she'd have to work. Was it even legal for thirteen years olds to work?

"'f course. You can't learn early enough! Jobs give you important life lessons, ya know?" Stan was picking up a few signs on the veranda as he began telling Tania about his first job experience.
When they got in, Stan immediately walked over to the kitchen. Tania was awkwardly following him, since she had no idea where to go, and it probably would be impolite to walk away while he was telling her something.
"Ah, the good, old days!", Stan sighted as he began drinking from a bottle.

"That's an amazing story, great uncle Stan...", Tania said, "but could you please tell me where to put all of my stuff?" She was gesturing towards her backpack and trolley

Stan blinked a few times, like he completely forgot about having to take care of his great niece.

"Ah, yes, come along!", he then said, as he walked through a short corridor with an open door at the end of it.

As soon as he walked through it, Tania, who was right behind him, heard someone laugh, and someone else complaining about something.

As soon as Tania herself walked through the door, she heard a gasp. She didn't even have time to turn into the direction of the sound, as she was instantly talked and fell to the ground.

"TANIA!!! IT'S BEEN SO LONG!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE ACTUALLY HERE!!!", the mysterious takler shouted.

If Tania hadn't known who has been the one to throw her to the ground, she probably would've freaked out and tried to free herself from their grasp. But she knew her cousin well enough to know that it was Mabel hugging her.

"H-hey Mabes, good to see you too...", she said, which wasn't easy, since Mabel's hug was pressing the air out of her.

Luckily, her other cousin noticed it. "Mabel, you're suffocating her", Dipper said.

As soon as he did, Mabel let go of Tania and got up. "Oops! Sorry Cuz!", she apologized, giggling, then helped her get up.

"It's... No problem", she answered, straightening her clothes. Then she looked up, for the first time in years seeing her cousins again.

Mabel still had her enthusiastic smile (and personality), but she was wearing braces. Her long brown hair was held back by a headband and she was wearing a pink, homemade sweater with a shooting star on it and a skirt.

Dipper on the other hand was wearing a brown cap with a star, which covered most of his messy, brown hair, an orange shirt, a dark blue vest over it and grey shorts.

Aside from the hair color, there was only one thing they had in common; their eye color, which was brown. This made Tania feel even more like an outsider, since she had dark, forest green eyes. Or well, eye. But since she was wearing a contact, nobody knew.

"Alright, look alive folks!", Stan shouted, pulling the attention towards him. "I need someone to hammer up these signs in the spooky part of the forest."

"Not it!", Dipper said
"Not it!", Mabel followed.

"Uh, also not it", a voice coming from the ceiling said.
Tania looked up, seeing a large man who looked like he was in his early twenties.

"No one asked you, Soos.", Stan told him, and for a moment Tania was worried that he'd get upset.
But he didn't; "I know, and I'm comfortable with that", the man, Soos, replied and took out a chocolate bar from which he took a bite.
Then he noticed Tania, who was picking up her bags that she dropped when Mabel tackled her.

"Hey, girl dude!", he said, waving to her.
"Uh... Hi", Tania replied.

"Wendy, I need you to put up these signs!", Stan shouted towards a ginger girl sitting at the counter and reading a magazine.

Wendy didn't look up, but she stretched her arm, as if she was trying to reach the signs.
"I would, but I, ugh, can't, ugh, reach it, ugh", she said.

Tania chuckled at this; Wendy seemed pretty cool.

"Tania?", Stan asked, holding up the signs.

"Uh...", Tania began, "I'd love to, but, ya know, I'm busy..." panicking the girl thought of something to say, when she noticed her bags, still on the ground. "Unpacking...?"

"I'd fire all of you if I could.", Stan said. As far as Tania knew, she wasn't even hired yet.

"Alright, let's see. Eenie meenie miney", he pointed at Dipper, "you!"

"Aw what?", the boy said, unpleasantly surprised. "Grunkle Stan, whenever I'm in those woods, I feel like I'm being watched!"

"Uh, this again!" Stan massaged his eyes.

"I'm telling you, something weird is going on in this town. Just today, my mosquito bites spelled out "beware""
Dipper showed his arm to Stan.

"That says "bewarb"", Stan corrected. Tania, who had seen the bites as well, had to agree. But it still was pretty weird and incredibly unlikely for mosquito bites to spell anything at all.

While Stan was telling Dipper about how everything paranormal in this town was made up, Tania took out her camera.

"So quit being paranoid", Stan concluded, and have ripped the signs, who sighed, and was about to leave, but was stopped by Tania.

"Wait, Dipper!", she said, quickly. "Can I take a picture of your arm?"

This surprised the boy, but he placed the signs on the ground and let Tania photograph his arm.

"Thanks", she said as she placed the camera on her pocket again.
"No problem", Dipper replied, picking up the signs.

Tania considered offering to help, but before she could make up her mind, she was, once again, tackled by Mabel.

"C'mon, Tani! I'll show you our room!"
Tania just had enough time to pick up her bags before being dragged along by her cousin.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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